Page 261 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 261

Bringing the Concept to Life

               resources. Cooperation and complementarity is the order of the day if we are to

                  With the understanding that  the  UN cannot, by itself, meet all the
               demands thrust upon  it,  the  Secretary-General constantly urges Member
               States,  regional  and  subregional intergovernmental organizations,  non-
               governmental  organizations, and members of  civil society to  work  in  concert
               toward meeting our goals.  The globalization of the world's economy requires
               that the international business community must play an ever more important
               role in fostering the foundations for international security. This is an important
               development and should be  encouraged  as  I  am  encouraging  you  today.  The
               United Nations does not have a monopoly on the promotion of peace. We are
               all shareholders in Peace.

                  Peace, stability and well-being, the human values embody in  the  UN
               Charter, are everyone's business. With  these aims in  mind,  supported
               by  actions,  you  have the power to  build  a  common  house  and  ensure
               greater prosperity for all of humankind in the twenty-first century.

                  With that final thought. I wish you luck and fortitude in your new lives and
               in your new responsibilities and thank you for the opportunity and the pleasure
               of addressing you on this important and most propitious day.

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