Page 268 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 268

100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International

              In  addition  to  these  activities,  UNOG,  through  its  Division  of
          Administration  and  Conference  Services  Division,  provides  administrativee
          and  logistical  support  to  a whole array  of  specialized  agencies.  It  provides
          accommodation  for  the  International  Labour  Conference  and  the  World
          Health Assembly, for example. UNOG personnel are routinely drawn upon to
          service a substantial number of meetings outside Geneva. In 1997, for example
          UNOG    participation  is  required  for  conferences  in  Bonn,  Kyoto,  Nairobi,
          Rome and Teheran.

              UNOG's   Information  Service  houses  one  of  the  largest  pool  of
          permanently  accreditated  journalists  and  serves as  a  focal  point  for  media
          information,  including  on Central Europe  and  the  Commonwealth  of
          Independent  States  (CIS)  countries.  It  provides information as  well  to
          the  numerous  non-governmental  organizations  (NGOs)  which  have  an
          interest in the substance of specific UNOG meetings.

              UNOG   cooperates  with  European  regional  organizations.  It hosted  in
          January 1997, a  6th  round of  meetings  with  the  Council  of Europe and the
          Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and has invited
          the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International
          Organization for Migration (IOM) to join in such meetings.

              The relationship between the United Nations and Switzerland is governed
          by  the  1946 Agreement on  Privileges  and  Immunities  of  the  United  Nations
          concluded  with  the  Swiss  Federal  Council.  Switzerland,  although  not a
          Member State of the organization, provides support to UN programmes and is
          an  active  member  of  all  UN  specialized  agencies.  The  Director-General  of
          UNOG    meets  regularly  with  the  appropriate  Swiss  authorities.  Matters  of
          interest  to the international community at  large are discussed within the
          Diplomatic Committee which is an entity composed of the Geneva diplomatic
          community, UNOG and the host country authorities.

              International  organizations  contribute  significantly  to  the  identity  of
          Geneva as a leading city in world affairs, and they play an important role in the
          local  economy.  As  a  result,  a  mutually  beneficial synergy has  emerged  and  a
          provides a sound base for the sustained expansion of UNOG's activities.

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