Page 270 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 270
100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International
decisions were made which set the basic parameters for Swiss diplomatic
policies in the post war era and laid the foundations of the relationship between
this country and the United Nations.
Considering the significance of the publication of these official documents,
I am particularly pleased that the United Nations Office at Geneva should be
associated, for the first time to such an event. Indeed, over the years, the United
Nations Office at Geneva has dedicated a considerable amount of its time and
resources to the preservation of historical archives related to Geneva
From its inception, UNOG was the depositary of the archives of the
League of Nations. It has built on this priceless heritage, adding to its
collections the archives of the International Peace Bureau which retrace the
history of the pacifist movement.
Four years ago, UNOG has entered into a cooperation programme with
the Swiss Government acting through its Federal Archives, and a trust fund was
created to help preserve and restore the archives of the International Peace
Therefore, in addition to being a centre of multilateral diplomacy as well as
a centre of know-how and expertise, UNOG is also developing into one of the
world's leading repository for the historic memory of international relations.
I wish to thank Ambassador Gyger for sponsoring this venue, and the
National Commission for the Publication of Swiss Diplomatic Documents for
organizing this event.
I look forward to hear the comments of our distinguished speakers
Professor Favez and Professor Fleury of the University of Geneva, as well as the
remarks of Mr. Bolzern of the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research, but
for now, I shall yield the floor to the Permanent Representative of Switzerland,
Ambassador Gyger.
Thank you for your attention!