Page 283 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 283

Bringing the Concept to Life

               by no means finalized at this point, two main developments can be anticipated:
               the consolidation in New York of policy-related functions such as the so-called
               “complex  emergencies”  which require  enhanced  inter-Agency  coordination;
               and the  transfer  to  UNDP  of  activities related  to  “disaster mitigation  and
               preparedness”. Other activities will remain in Geneva.

                  In the fields of economics, trade and development, the position of Geneva,
               which hosts the WTO, tends to be strengthened in the overall context of the
               reform. UNCTAD has already successfully completed an extensive reorganiza-
               tion both of its Secretariat and of its intergovernmental machinery. With the
               proposed consolidation of the UN economic and social activities into a new
               Department  of  Economic  and  Social  Affairs,  UNCTAD  will  retain  its  core
               competencies in macroeconomic policy analysis and cooperate closely with the
               newly created Department.

                  The  leading  role of  UNDP  in  development  activities  will  be further
               reinforced as a result of the reform, especially at the country level where the
               Resident  Coordinator  will  oversee  all  UN  activities.  Here  in  Geneva,  the
               UNDP office  will  be  strengthened  by  the  appointment  of  a  Regional
               Representative and Director of the Geneva Office.

                  The Geneva-based Economic Commission for Europe has also completed
               a  major  restructuring  effort,  focusing  its  activities  on  areas  of  strategic  im-
               portance  in  which  it  has a comparative  advantage.  Being  the  only
               intergovernmental forum  for  economic  cooperation  whose  membership  in-
               cludes  all  European  countries,  the  ECE  plays  an  important  role  in the
               integration of all the economies of the region, and it is a prime source of know-
               how and assistance for countries in transition.

                  The  importance  of  Geneva  in  matters  of  international  economics,  trade
               and development continues to grow, as evidenced by the recent decision of the
               World Bank to open an Office here.

                  Among UNOG's traditional activities, disarmament and arms regulation
               will  continue  to  play  a  significant  role.  It  is  home  to  the  Conference  on
               Disarmament which is the sole global negotiating mechanism in the field of
               disarmament, and which justifies the accreditation of a full diplomatic corps
               exclusively  dedicated  to  disarmament  issues.  Sixty-one  ambassadors  are
               currently accredited to the Conference and 20 more countries have applied for
               membership.  In  addition  to the  activities  of  the  Conference,  Geneva  is  the

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