Page 39 - Bulletin, Vol.78 No.1, March 2019
P. 39

and WMO). Around 25% of the members of the Mutual Society are retirees and
                        the subject was raised at the 2017 session of the FAFICS Council.

                        “Council  also  requested  the  FAFICS  representatives  to  the  HLCM/FB
                        Network Working Group on ASHI to secure the inclusion in the Working
                        Group's work programme for the biennium 2017-2018 of an agenda item
                        on     the     representation       of    retirees     on     health     insurance
                        executive/management committees of the United Nations agencies.”

                   22. To this end a letter was addressed to the UN Secretary-General on 30 August
                        2017.  In  addition,  the  FAFICS  representatives  on  the  High-Level Group on
                        ASHI requested that this be included on the agenda of meetings in 2018.

                        “with reference to the Council decision on this issue (see below) we could
                        request Cliff  to have this item included in the agenda of the next VC of the
                        ASHI  WG.  I  think  we  should  request  that  a  recommendation  for  proper
                        representation  of  retirees  on  health  insurance  bodies  be  included  in
                        report of the ASHI WG:”

                   23. Provide  reliable  information  to  members  of  AAFI-AFICS  in  the  Bulletin,  by  E-
                        NEWSLETTER or on the website.
                   24. To assist retirees who may no longer be able to carry out certain administrative
                        tasks or who have encountered unexpected financial difficulties.

                   25. To develop and maintain relations with bodies outside the Association whose
                        activities are of interest to our members and keep them duly informed.

                   26. Participate  actively  in  the  work of FAFICS, of which AFICS  is  a  founding

                   27. To  maintain  close  relations  with  the  associations  of  active  staff. Both  retirees
                        and active staff have many interests in common, notably concerning pensions
                        and health insurance.
                   28. To assist retirees in administrative formalities with the Pension Fund.

               C.  RESULTS

                 i.  Dealing with all subjects
                   29. Amongst  the  subjects  that  came  to  our  attention  this  year  was  that  of  the
                        participation  of  our  members  in  the  General  Assembly.  This  meeting  is
                        important since it provides the opportunity to update and complete information
                        received after the time of writing the annual report.

                 ii.   Attracting more members

                   30. AFICS  has  continued  to  participate  in  the  pre-retirement  seminars  of  both
                        UNOG and the ILO. It is thus possible to draw to the attention of future retirees
                        the  importance  of  joining  a  retiree  association  and  informing  them  of  the
                        activities of AAFI-AFICS. Our Guide to Retirement is available on the website

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 78 No. 1, 2019-03                                               37
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