Page 42 - Bulletin, Vol.78 No.1, March 2019
P. 42

that  retirees  continue  to  receive  information  on  paper  through  the  SHIF
                         Newsletter. The updated Regulations and Administrative Rules of the SHIF
                         are to be printed and distributed to retirees in the near future.

                 36. SHI (WHO)

                     a.  The  governance  of  WHO's  Health  Insurance  consists  of  two  global
                         committees  with  representation  from  the  Regional  offices  as  well  as  from
                         Headquarters. The Oversight Committee acts as an advisor to the Director
                         General  in  all  matters  relating  to  health  Insurance.  Senior  officials  of  the
                         WHO administration, representatives of participants, as well as internal and
                         external  advisers  participate  in  this  Committee.  The  Standing  Committee
                         deals  with  individual  cases  in  dispute  and  recommends  to  the  Control
                         Committee  the  revisions  to  the  regulations  based  on  its  experience.
                         Retirees  are  well  represented  on  both  committees  by  representatives
                         elected by all retirees worldwide.

                     b.  The  measures  approved  in  2018  that  affect  staff  and  retirees include an
                         amendment  to  the  regulation  concerning  the  reimbursement  of  cataract
                         surgery (complicated cases are exempt from the limit otherwise imposed)
                         and the participation in Medicare B for retirees in the United States. The fee
                         will be refunded to the participant.

                     c.  A  position  has  recently  been  established  for  a  compliance  officer.  This
                         officer ensures the respect of the Rules and should limit to the minimum the
                         cases of fraud or irregularity in the refunds.
                     d.  At the end of 2017, the retired population represented 22.3% of the 39,608


                     1.  It  is  not  possible  for  a  retiree  to  add  a  dependent  family  member  or
                         members to their insurance coverage after separation from service.

                     2. It is not possible to rejoin the scheme if, on separation from service, a
                         retiree has decided to withdraw from the SHI.

                 37. After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI)
                     a.  The participants at the AAFI-AFICS General Assembly in 2017 requested
                         that this item be discussed together with questions on insurance, even if the
                         ASHI is treated at a higher level.

                     b.  UN  General  Assembly  Resolution  68/244  had  specifically  requested  the

                             “to undertake a survey of current healthcare plans for active and retired
                             staff within the United Nations system, to explore all options to increase
                             efficiency  and  contain  costs  and  to  report  thereon  at  its  seventieth

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