Page 44 - Bulletin, Vol.78 No.1, March 2019
P. 44

41. We  also  send  out  information  on  local  cultural  activities  by  e-mail  in  the  E-
                     NEWSLETTER or FLASH, Some of the E-NEWSLETTERS concerned taxation
                     in France, and more particularly deduction at source in 2019 which raises many
                     questions due to its complexity and frequent changes.

                 42.  Providing  support  to  retirees  who  are  no  longer  able  to  manage  some
                     administrative formalities or with financial difficulties
                 43.  We  have  continued  to  provide  ad  hoc  assistance  to  retirees  who  have
                     encountered  difficulties  and  have  created  and  set  up  a  new  website

                 44. The  Committee  has  put  together  for  our  members  a  wealth  of  information
                     concerning the medico-social services available in the Greater Geneva region.
                     If  necessary,  the  Committee  may  seek  expert  professional  help  on  social
                     welfare, but this has not been needed in 2018.

                 45. AFICS  is  also  fortunate  to  have  the  unwavering  assistance  of  France  Henry
                     who  helps  retirees  with  the  preparation  and  submission  of  complex
                     reimbursement  claims  to  UNSMIS.  France  spends  at  least  one  day  a  week
                     unravelling bills, explaining the rules and follow-up.

                 46. The Rules of the AFICS Solidarity Fund state that the purpose of the Fund is to
                     assist  former  international  staff  members  faced  with  unexpected  financial
                     difficulties that cannot be met by taking a loan or other financial means.
                 47. Some requests reveal a lack of wisdom of retirees who have squandered their
                     lump sum, have no savings and have not made a budget. A longer  life span
                     often means increased medical expenses.

                 48. Develop and maintain relations with bodies outside the Association that
                     may be active in areas of interest to our members

                 49. At the local level (Cantons of Geneva and Vaud, and in neighbouring France)
                     there are many activities outside the sphere of the international organizations.
                     Integration in local life is the guarantee of a successful retirement.
                 50. In Geneva we have close links with the Cité Seniors, located on the corner of
                     the     rue     de      Lausanne       and      rue      Amat      (http://www,ville-
             where  we  meet  for  a  Carrefour
                     International once a  month, Wednesday afternoon from 14h00 to 16h00. The
                     programme is available in the AAFI-AFICS office. The Cité Seniors is open to
                     everyone.  On  Tuesday  evening,  many  of  our  members,  including  Sylvie
                     Jacques,  take  part  in  the  POLAROID  project  (an  intergenerational  forum  for
                     conversations  in  different  languages;  an  exchange  of  competence  without
                     language teachers).

                 51,  Also  at  the  Geneva  level,  AFICS  is  still  a  member  of  the  Plateforme  des
                     associations d’ainés de Genève ( and can thus
                     receive and distribute useful information on a range of associations and social
                     services designed for older people, including contacts in the health sector.

            42                                                  AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 78 No. 1, 2019-03
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