Page 50 - Bulletin, Vol.83 No.3, December 2024_version 11-12-2024
P. 50

interesting and special canton, but not in          Geneva, to reveal its mysteries and
            the well-known places like Davos or St.             secrets: the history of its name, or of the
            Moritz, but in  the lesser-known parts              glacier period of Geneva (of which there
            where they speak Romansh  -  and                    is still evidence today, and maybe you
            Disentis seems to be very attractive for a          walk by it every day without knowing – so,
            possible visit. Disentis has an exceptional         come to our meetings to find out more!),
            monastery with a museum and a library,              and we will disclose other mysteries and
            and it is  even possible to stay there,             secrets of Geneva. We will  also pay
            which could be an incredible experience.            tribute to Geneva's most  prominent
            We could  also combine this  trip with a            people, those who have left their mark on
            cultural visit to the rare Devil's Bridge (a        the city (whether from Geneva or abroad),
            masterpiece      of    architecture),   near        and tell you about historic  -  and also
            Andermatt, crossing the only pass in the            controversial  -  monuments, and learn
            world with a maritime lighthouse, the               more about Geneva's historic hotels (that
            Oberalppass, and with a visit to                    still exist or have disappeared) and
            Switzerland's oldest city, Chur, the capital        historic Palaces (and there are seven
            of the Canton Graubünden, and all this is           Palaces in Geneva!), and   also visit  the
            close to Disentis. If anyone would like to          “quartiers”  of  Geneva (districts), the
            volunteer to organise such a trip in the            “communes”, and even secret societies,
            spring (transport, hotel, guide), please            and much more! Two books will guide us:
            let us know. Alternatively, we could meet           “Mystères de Genève” by Pernette Rickli-
            directly in Disentis (those who drive can           Gos (author) and “Histoire secrète de
            come by car,  the others can go by train            Genève” by Renée-Paule Guillot (author),
            with the day passes), where  a guided               and the notes of the Avivo  guide, Otto
            historical tour could be organized, then            Kolly, who has kindly organised visits for
            spend 2 nights at the Disentis monastery,           us and shared his notes. These
            and from there private journeys to                  discussions will alternate with discussions
            Andermatt and Chur could take place                 on events at the UN, UNOG and at the
            (detailed information for these visits              Geneva International level. The detailed
            would of course be available). Let's think          draft plan for 2025 is already available at
            about it together!                                  the AAFI-AFICS Office, and will also be
                                                                distributed     during     the     Carrefour
            While the Cantons are indeed interesting            International meetings.
            and fascinating, we  have received many
            requests to organise discussions on                 If we succeed, if we get more stories from
            Geneva, the city where we live. We find             you and attract greater participation, we
            this more  difficult because you (or some           could, in the future, try to organise
            of you) probably know a lot more than we            exchange      meetings    with    Genevans
            do, and if so, please come forward and              and/or    invite   Genevans      (historians,
            share     your     knowledge      with    us.       guides, and representatives of the City of
            Nevertheless, we  have decided to                   Geneva) for some lecturing. The Cité
            respond to these requests and will try to           Seniors (City of  Geneva)  is very
            organise round tables or discussions, to            welcoming and will certainly support and
            which you are all welcome. We plan to tell          help us in this undertaking. This is our
            the known and unknown stories of                    common city, the city where we live, so

            48                                                  AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 83 No. 3, 2024-12

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