Page 31 - Bulletin_Vol.82 No.3_December 2023
P. 31


               We will publish a new list of members in February. Don't forget to let us know of any
               changes (address, telephone or e-mail) before 31 January.

               Lunch at Les Lauriers - Tuesday 9 April 2024

               General Meeting 2024 on Tuesday 14 May 2024 at the CICG

               We hope to organise a seminar on wills and succession. We will keep you informed.

                                                      IN BRIEF

               Our Committee has finally managed to expand a little.

               We  were  joined  by  Mr  Clemens  Adams,  former  Director  of  the  United  Nations

               2 other people said they were willing to take part.

               Ms Vitalija Gaucaite now represents us on the NGO on ageing Committee. This is very
               important for our Association.

               Our Office will be closed from 20 December to 7 January, as will the entire Palais des
               Nations. However, you can contact us by e-mail


               We  are  in  contact  with  the  Caisse  des  Pensions,  which  is  continuing  to  improve  the
               application  for  the  Digital  Certificate.  New  versions  will  be  available  soon.  However,
               Aliamane notes with sadness that pensioners in France and Switzerland are the ones
               who are dragging their feet the most in signing up.

               Pay attention. You have to wait until the 2  of January to register your DCE for 2024.

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.3, 2023-12                                                29

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