Page 49 - Bulletin_Vol.82 No.3_December 2023
P. 49



                                               HERE FOREVER”

                                                       Story and interview by Evelina RIOUKHINA

               Silvestre Coutinho was my colleague in            1.  Tell us about yourself.
               the Statistical Division. When I arrived at
               the  Palais,  he  was  one  of  the  first        I was born in Beira, Mozambique, where
                                                                 I  spent  the  first  12  years  of  my  life.    I
               colleagues  I  met.  He  helped  me  with         was  sent  afterwards  to  Zimbabwe  (my
               computers,  and  I  knew  I  could  always        mother’s  country),  to  do  my  secondary
               turn  to  him  whenever  I  had  difficulties.    schooling  in  a  boarding  school  run  by
               And I felt he had a thorough knowledge            Marist Brothers from Quebec, Canada.  I
               of   mathematics      and    mathematical         obtained a bursary to go to University for
               analysis.  Statistics  wasn't  my  field  (but
               mathematics  was  at  one  point),  so  I         5  years  and  read  Mathematics  and
               could  see  how  different  he  was.  But  I      Economics.  In  1972  I  was  granted  6
                                                                 months  sabbatical  leave  and  went
               was  embarrassed  to  ask  too  many              around the world and did a comparative
               questions at the time. I knew that he had         study  in  the  teaching  of  Applied
               created  the  statistical  database  for  the     Mathematics  in  India,  Thailand,  Japan,
               ECE  countries,  which  was  extremely            Canada,  the  US,  and  in  6  European
               difficult  to  do,  and  I  knew  that  he  was   countries, before returning to Zimbabwe
               the  only  one  who  could  provide  correct
               figures, and whenever we needed them,             to      continue      teaching      Applied
                                                                 Mathematics. While on sabbatical leave
               he could always provide them. From my             I  also  visited  the  UN  in  Bangkok,  New
               former     boss,     a    world-renowned          York and Geneva.
               statistician  (Wolf Scott), I knew that he
               only  turned  to  Sylvestre  for  rare  and       2.  How did you come to work for the
               reliable  data,  and  that  is  how  Sylvestre    United Nations - was it your dream, or
               helped  us  run  the  first  projects  for  the   was  it  simply  a  job  opportunity,  an
               newly independent States in the 1990s.            opportunity not to be missed?
               Where data was often lacking, Sylvestre
               could provide it. And I always wondered           In  February  1974,  I  was  called  by  the
                                                                 Rhodesian government to do 35 days of
               how he managed to do it when no one               military     service     scheduled       for
               else could. Then our paths diverged and           September.  I refused and resigned from
               soon  he  retired.  I  met  him  occasionally     my  teaching  post.  Soon  after  I  left  the
               when  he  came  to  the  Palais,  but  now        country,  after  the  25th  of  April  1974
               that we are both retirees, we met again
               at  the  same  Carrefour  International  at       carnation revolution in Lisbon, and flew
               the Cité Seniors, and I rediscovered this         to Geneva where I met other opponents
                                                                 to the Salazar colonial regime
               person.  And  I  would  like  to  share  with
               you his so impressive story.                      My  intention  was  to  apply  for  a
                                                                 Canadian  work  permit  to  carry  on

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.3, 2023-12                                                47

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