Page 51 - Bulletin_Vol.82 No.3_December 2023
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8.  When  were  you  happier  –at  the            10. What are your best or  most
               UN with the job you had (perhaps not              interesting memories from your work
               your     favourite    job,    but    in   a       for the Organisation?
               prestigious  Organisation),  or  after
               you retired and were able to do what              The  statistical  work  was  not  so
                                                                 challenging, but the IT work was a great
               you loved to do?
                                                                 opportunity  for  me  to  acquire  new
               I was quite happy in the UN.  I liked my          knowledge,  despite  the  fact  that  it  was
               colleagues in the two divisions that I had        very demanding and  that I had to do a
               worked for. I took the opportunity given          lot of overtime.  However, In 1987 I was
               by the UN to study and acquire working            given extra 6 weeks compensation leave
               knowledge      in   several     languages.        by  the  Director,  and  I  travelled  all  over
               Besides  I  made  friends  with  Greek,           former Yugoslavia and Greece.
               Yugoslav,  Hungarian,  Bulgarian,  and
               colleagues from other Eastern European
               countries  and  learned  to  do  their            11. If  you  could  start  again  from
               traditional circle dances.                        scratch,  or  from  the  moment  you
                                                                 arrived here "just passing by", would
               9.   What are your projects? Are you              you start again on the same life path
               writing    anything     or    doing    any        or would you do something different?
               research?      Tell   us    about     your
               activities.                                       Do  you  have  any  regrets  that  your
                                                                 talents  could  not  be  fully  appraised
               After retirement, I devoted a lot of time         by  the  Organisation  or  during  your
               for  some  students  preparing  for  their        career at the UN?
               Masters  and  carried  on  research  in           I have no regrets. My adopted daughter
               International Trade.  I had more time to          was  more  important  for  me  than  a
               practice  and  give  shows  in  Greek,            career with the UN.
               Hungarian  and  Bulgarian  traditional
               circle  dances.    I  also  got  involved  in     12. How important is Geneva in your
               theatre  and  took  part  in  two  theatre        life? You've decided to stay here after
               pieces.                                           you  retire.  Do  you  feel  part  of
                                                                 Geneva? How do you feel here?
               I could devote more time for my adopted
               daughter who after doing her Masters in           My adopted daughter is Swiss and many
               France returned to Geneva. We did a lot           of  my  close  friends  are  Swiss.  Geneva
               of hiking all over Switzerland for the last       has  become  an  integral  part  of  my  life
               20 years.                                         because I’ve been living here for nearly
                                                                 50 years, more than any other country I
               After COVID I decided to stop teaching            have lived in before.
               and  now  spend  more  time  in  historical
               research.     I’m   still   interested    in      13. And  the  last  question:  these
               International  Trade  and  follow  closely        meetings  at  Carrefour  International  -
               international    developments      through        their     importance,       for     retired
               various  quarterly  reviews  at  the  UN          internationals  and  for  the  people  of
               Library.                                          Geneva.  Do  you  think  it  will  be

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.3, 2023-12                                                49

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