Page 54 - Bulletin_Vol.82 No.3_December 2023
P. 54

film  contains  scenes  filmed  in  England,       Geneva  to  Mürren.    Now  that's  bitter
            Switzerland and Portugal.                          cold.    But  the  scenery  was  enchanting:
                                                               everything was frosted and white.  I had
            After  a  very  good  meal  and  a  few            the  impression  that  the  train  was
            (inevitable)  photos,  we  returned  to  the       travelling  through  a  pretty  Christmas
            village  of  Mürren,  where  I  had  time  to      card.
            discover  more  about  it  during  my  very
            pleasant walk.                                     That was the end of my last high-altitude
                                                               trip  to  the  mountains  as  I  have  been
            The  next  day,  it  was  already  time  to        diagnosed  with  an  illness  that  prevents
            return  to  Geneva.    Not  without  regret.       me  from  exposing  myself  to  the  sun  or
            Sometimes  I  even  ask  myself  why  I            UV  rays.    The  UV  rays  at  high  altitude
            didn't  decide  to  retire  in  an  Alpine         are even more dangerous, so I'm taking
                                                               my  leave  of  these  beautiful  places  so
            When  we  reached  the  bottom  of  the            high  up.  It  was  a  fine  last  visit  to  the
            mountain it was grey and very foggy. It            alpine spot that had also been the site of
            was  6  degrees  cooler  than  up  top.    I       the first one:  I have come full circle.
            took the train - well, trains, as it takes 4            Translated with DEEPL, Revised by
            hours  and  4  changes  to  get  from
                                                                 Monika SPYCZAK VON BRZEZINSKA

            AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.3, 2023-12                                                52

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