Page 41 - Bulletin, Vol.79 No.1, February 2020
P. 41


                                                                                  by Madeleine MISTRAL

               The UN Mutual Insurance Society against Sickness and Accident invited retirees to the
               Palais  des  Nations  to  be  vaccinated  against  influenza.  A  good  number,  around  700,
               were able to make an appointment and keep it, having surmounted the obstacles of an
               overworked switchboard and of being able to arrive at Door 40. Once again AFICS had
               organized an enjoyable interlude during the vaccination session by offering tea, coffee
               and biscuits.

               This  annual  event  not  only  allows  former  colleagues  to  meet  up  but  also  offers  a
               possibility  of  obtaining  information  on  AFICS  activities  and  of  strengthening  the
               Association’s work in defending the interests of retirees in both the Pension Fund and
               the health insurance scheme. AFICS is, indeed, the only authoritative body to represent
               retirees  in the  UN  General  Assembly  and  UNSMIS  (the  health  insurance  scheme  for
               UNOG,  HCR,  WMO)  since,  as  Georges  Brassens  sang,  nothing  can  be  taken  for

               It must always be underlined that being a member of AAFI-AFICS enables volunteers to
               cover  the  cost  of  running  an  office  and  undertake  the  necessary  travel.  We  must
               encourage all retirees, and future retirees, to become members of the Association and,
               according to their possibilities, volunteer for the different tasks.

                                                                  Translation by Elisabeth BELCHAMBER

                                             THE BERLIN WALL

                                                                                   By Dr Michael ATCHIA

                  30 years ago, on 9 November 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, marking the end of the
                                              totalitarian communism era

                 When I joined UNEP in 1986 as Chief of Education and Training I inherited amongst
               other programmes the Dresden Course, a joint UNEP- UNESCO-GDR effort to teach
               what  was  called  at  the  time  ecosystems  management,  i.e.  freshwater,  land  and  air
               management. So twice a year I was in East Germany (GDR) always landing in East
               Berlin  then,  after  meeting  the  required  officials,  traveling  to the old historic city of
               Dresden by road. Every year we selected 25 young cadres from the nascent Ministries
               of Environment of developing countries (including from Mauritius) for a nine-month post
               graduate  training.  I  did  two  thing  for  this  course,  firstly   expanding  its  scope  and
               renaming it Environmental Management; then succeeded a first behind the Iron Curtain,
               to  convince  the  course  director  Pr.  Seidel  (which  meant  in  fact  convincing  the

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 79 No. 1, 2020-02                                               37
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