Page 42 - Bulletin, Vol.79 No.1, February 2020
P. 42

Government  of  East  Germany,  one  of  the  harshest  in  the  world)  to  drop  the  module
            Marxism-Leninism  from  this  United  Nations  sponsored  course!  This  was  no  easy
            achievement, after which the secret police of East Germany, the Stasi, promptly opened
            a  file  on  me  following  and  recording  all  my  movements  and  utterances  at  each
            subsequent  visit  (I  was  to  hear  later!).  In  the  early  eighties  at  home  in  Mauritius
            especially  after  two  years  as  President  of  Action Civique,  I  was  also  followed  by  the
            local Stasi equivalent (the NIU) but that was a much more benign affair, a reflection on
            the humanism of our successive Prime Ministers, starting from SSR.

             From 1986 to 89, at every visit to Berlin I perceived a slow but perceptible series of
            changes  in  East  German  society. Winners  of  over  100  gold  and  silver  medals  at  the
            Olympics  but  at  what  cost:  parents  dreaded  that  their  sons  and  daughters  reveal
            sporting  talent-which  would  result  at  the  child  being  immediately  removed  from  the
            family for special training.

            In 1989 in Berlin, one evening one of my official guides took me for a walk in the garden
            (away from microphones of the Stasi!) and confessed that she had been all along the
            Stasi appointed person to keep a close watch on me, lest I came up with more reform
            proposals  (which   in  fact  I  did).  Late  night  meetings  were  taking  place  particularly  in
            Churches (which unlike in USSR, had not been turned into museums) to discuss the
            future  or  plan  escapes  to  the  West.  As  a  foreign  UN  official  I  was  a  good  source  of
            information  and  at  times  of  advice,  though  being  careful  to  keep  the  professional
            neutrality, so dear and important to the United Nations. In March 1989, I gave a long
            interview to an East German paper ( Neue Zeit published in German) about the need for
            precise statistics about air, land and water quality in the German Democratic Republic,
            democratic only in name of course! The official figures gave these as being very clean,
            whereas in reality the city water was so polluted with heavy metals and organics that it
            was  not  safe  to  drink,  and  bottled  water  was  distributed  to  all  citizens!  This  type  of
            article  would  have  been  unthinkable  just  three  years  earlier  but  it  was  helped  by
            Gorbachev’s bold Glasnost (transparency) policy.

            On  a  cold  November  evening  some  of  my  German  colleagues  Kathrin,  Sabena  and
            others said they were going to the Unter den Linden, the broad avenue leading to the
            Brandenburg Gate; something was brewing. Would I wish to come? I changed my
            suit and tie for a black leather blouson and a thick scarf (it was a cold night as often is in
            Berlin). Hundred thousand people were milling around in tense expectancy, but true to
            the German character and especially in East Germany, there was no chaos. In relative
            order people approached the wall at different locations. The crowd was composed of
            Germans from all age groups and all professions, with, I recall, the notable absence of
            the  older  state  officials  and  as  far  as  I  could  tell  no  foreigners  (except  me!)  and  no
            onlookers. There was a sense of commitment in the air. The armed green-uniformed
            guards did not know what to do; they could not shoot at such a crowd. Apparently the
            crumbling regime had not, for once, issued orders as to what to do. So gradually the
            guards laid down their arms, some I remember distinctly removed their uniforms, so the
            no man’s land surrounding the Berlin Wall was free of access. Using a variety of tools,
            the crowd began to BREAK THE WALL. I felt suddenly that I was Citizen Michael, not

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