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P. 5


                               oh, these politicians!

                                             “Oh,  these  politicians!  They  make
                                             decisions  without  thinking  about
                                             the consequences for the people,” my
                                             colleague, quite upset, exclaimed one
                                             day.  “If  we  have  lousy  politicians,  it
                                             is  only  because  my  generation  was
                                             more concerned about making money
                                             than going into politics. So, instead of
                                             getting the best people to think about   The  shift  where  a  new  generation
                                             the best ways to run the State for the   is  emerging  with  values  focused  on
                                             benefit of all, we got those whose only   sustainability,  the  circular  economy,
                                             ambition  was  to  be  in  the  limelight   and social solidarity, points toward a
                                             (and often to fill their pockets), with   conscientious approach to citizenship
                                             the disastrous consequences we see in   and policy-making.
                                             Europe today.  My generation consists
                                             of  people  who  became  consumers   This  evolving  mindset  demonstrates
                                             rather than citizens,” she concluded.  a  very  real  potential  for  long-term
                                                                            positive change, especially as younger
                                             My  colleague’s  perspective  reflects  a   people take on roles in government and
                                             significant  concern  about  political   influence public policy. Such a mindset
                                             leadership and its effect on society. It   prioritizes  long-term  solutions  that
                                             highlights  a  common  sentiment  that   consider environmental sustainability
                                             political decisions are often driven by   and social equity, addressing the issues
                                             individual  ambition  rather  than  the   that  have  been  sidelined  or  outright
                                             greater good, with predictably adverse   ignored in the past.
                                             outcomes for citizens.
                                                                            Encouraging civic engagement among
                                             The  idea  that  older  generations   younger   generations,   supporting
                                             prioritized   consumerism   over   policies that focus on collective well-
                                             civic  engagement  resonates  with   being,  and  fostering  conversations
                                             many  today,  as  there  is  a  growing   around these ideals can contribute to
                                             recognition  of  the  importance  of   a more hopeful and equitable future.
                                             active participation in governance, the   There’s  a  growing  recognition  that
                                             essence of democracy.          thoughtful,  participative  governance
                                                                            can  lead  to  positive  social  outcomes.
                                                                            So,  upon  these  thoughts,  we  at  Diva
                                                                            wish you all a happy and prosperous

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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