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                                   is a unique structure with a balanced membership   received support from a significant number of
                                   (65  countries,  including  all  nuclear  powers)   CD  member  states,  but  the  US  and  its  allies
                                   and a broad agenda covering the most pressing   continue to block their consideration.
                                   issues in the field of arms control, disarmament,
                                   and  non-proliferation  (ACDN).  It  remains  an   Nevertheless, we note some positive signals. In
                                   important  element  of  the  UN  disarmament   2024, the Conference managed to agree on the
                                   mechanism with a unique negotiating mandate.   establishment of subsidiary bodies to consider
                                   The  work  of  the  CD  must  be  supported  so   substantive  items  on  its  agenda.  We  plan  to
                                   that its substantive activities can resume when   facilitate  the  resumption  of  their  activities  in
                                   circumstances permit.                  2025.  Additionally,  the  CD’s  report  and  the
                                                                          related resolution of the UN General Assembly’s
                                   We  are  convinced  that  the  primary  negative   First Committee were adopted by consensus.
                                   factor  is  the  lack  of  interest  and  political  will,
                                   particularly among the states of the “collective   Let  me  emphasize  once  again:  Russia  is  ready
                                   West”, to develop new legally binding instruments.   to engage in discussions at the CD on pressing
                                   Striving  to  maintain  their  dominance  and   issues of the disarmament agenda and to work
                                   military superiority, these countries are simply   towards developing new agreements. However,
                                   unwilling  to  bind  themselves  with  additional   such  activities  must  be  carried  out  on  the
                                   commitments.  It  is  worth  noting  that  the   basis  of  sovereign  equality,  mutual  respect,
                                   situation in the CD is not unique in this regard.   and  consideration  of  the  legitimate  security
                                   Due  to  the  current  geopolitical  situation,  the   interests of all parties. The focus should be on
                                   work  of  many  other  specialized  platforms  has   resolving accumulated problems and addressing
                                   also been paralyzed.                   new challenges and threats – not on advancing
                                                                          national  or  narrowly-defined  foreign  policy
                                   Here’s an example. In the practices of Western   agendas or securing advantages at the expense
                                   delegations  at  the  CD,  a  clear  reluctance  to   of other states’ interests.
                                   consider  the  priorities  of  other  countries  is
                                   evident. There have been attempts to limit the   Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside
                                   forum’s activities to mere discussions and to use it   your  professional  life,  what  you  do  to  relax
                                   as a platform for accusations and settling political   and  what  you  draw  inspiration  from.  Is  there
                                   scores. Issues unrelated to the agreed agenda of   anything  particular  in  your  “extracurricular”
                                   the Conference – such as gender balance, youth   activities that helps to underpin you professional
                                   participation, specialized education, and others   work?
                                   –  are  prioritized,  distracting  members  from   Outside  my  professional  life,  I  have  always
                                   addressing  ACDN  issues  and  doing  little  to   valued  hobbies  and  interests  that  allow  me  to
                                   resolve the contradictions on pressing matters of   unwind and get my mind of work-related issues.
                                   the disarmament agenda.                Many of these hobbies date back to my years as
                                                                          a student at MGIMO University, where I played
                                   For our part, we have been making consistent   volleyball for the university team and developed
                                   efforts over many years to bridge the positions   a love for music and other sports. I still enjoy
                                   of  states.  We  have  proposed  compromise   playing  tennis,  another  passion  of  mine  is
                                   solutions  for  the  CD’s  program  of  work  and   playing  the  guitar,  and  occasionally  drums.
                                   put  forward  new  initiatives.  For  example,  as   Music has always been a source of inspiration
                                   far back as 2008, Russia, together with China,   for me, especially the legendary rock hits of the
                                   submitted to the Conference a draft Treaty on   Beatles, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, the Rolling
                                   the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons   Stones, and the Monkees.
                                   in Outer Space, the Use of Force, or the Threat
                                   of  Force  against  Space  Objects  (PPWT).  In   Having  spent  a  considerable  amount  of  time
                                   2014,  the  draft  was  significantly  refined.  A   in  Switzerland,  I  couldn’t  help  but  fall  in  love
                                   decade later, it remains relevant to the task of   with the country’s natural beauty and outdoor
                                   preventing an arms race in outer space. Another   activities.  Hiking  through  the  breathtaking
                                   example is Russia’s 2016 proposal to develop   landscapes and skiing, both downhill and cross-
                                   a  convention  on  combating  acts  of  chemical   country,  on  the  pristine  slopes  have  become
                                   and  biological  terrorism.  Both  initiatives   favorite pastimes of mine. These activities provide

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