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                   the  UN  Human  Rights  Council,  World   “as a torchbearer for women
                   Health  Organization,  International  Labour
                   Organization,  International  Committee  of  the   around the world, i cannot express
                   Red  Cross,  International  Telecommunication   how proud i was to witness not
                   Union, World Meteorological Organization, UN
                   High  Commissioner  for  Refugees,  and  many  one, not two, but five remarkable
                   others.                                women elected to lead un agencies

                   A  highlight  of  my  duties  was  engaging  with  in Geneva during my tenure.”
                   multilateralists across different regional groups,
                   collaborating  with  over  190  countries  and
                   international  organizations  to  promote  the
                   UAE’s position on global issues.

                   Participating  in  negotiations  on  resolutions
                   and  agreements  is  integral  to  the  work  of   multilateral  forums  increasingly  challenging
                   multilateralists in Geneva. With my 22 years of   and often resulting in gridlock on critical issues.
                   credible  experience  in  international  law,  I  was   As  a  consequence,we    multilateralists  had  to
                   well-equipped to negotiate various instruments   work  significantly  harder  to  drive  solutions
                   and resolutions that impact both the UAE and   against  a  complex  geopolitical  backdrop.  UN
                   the broader international community.   Geneva, however, often demonstrated the power
                                                          and  strength  to  achieve  results  while  other
                   My role has been crucial in shaping the UAE’s   multilateral venues faced paralysis.
                   engagement with the international community
                   and  advancing  its  diplomatic  objectives  at  the   The  third  turning  point  has  been  the  recent
                   UN and other international forums.     crises  in  the  Middle  East.  In  response  to
                                                          global  challenges,  there  has  been  a  resurgence
                   The  landscape  of  multilateral  diplomacy  has   of  regional  cooperation  and  organizations.
                   evolved significantly since I first arrived in 2019,   Countries  are  increasingly  turning  to  regional
                   influenced by various global events and trends.  frameworks  to  address  issues  such  as  trade,
                                                          security,  and  climate  change,  raising  questions
                   I  was  fortunate  to  witness  firsthand  three  key   about  the  future  relevance  and  credibility  of
                   turning points in history and their impact on UN   multilateralism.
                   multilateral work, particularly in Geneva, which
                   serves  as  a  global  hub  for  addressing  pressing   The  frequent  recurrence  of  climate  crises,
                   challenges  ranging  from  health  and  human   often with little or no early warning signs, has
                   rights to global trade, migration, humanitarian   heightened  the  urgency  of  climate  diplomacy.
                   efforts, and intellectual property.    Countries now recognize the need for collective
                                                          action, with the Paris Agreement and subsequent
                   The  first  turning  point  was  the  COVID-19   COP  meetings  serving  as  focal  points  for
                   pandemic.  It  underscored  the  importance  of   multilateral  efforts  to  combat  climate  change.
                   global  health  diplomacy,  leading  to  a  renewed   For the UAE, COP28 provided the privilege of
                   emphasis  on  international  collaboration  to   working  on  several  initiatives  out  of  Geneva,
                   address  health  crises,  vaccine  distribution,   including  groundbreaking  efforts  such  as  the
                   and  pandemic  preparedness.  This  experience   first Health Day at a COP and a Trade Pavilion
                   highlighted both the strengths and weaknesses   featuring  participation  from  UNCTAD,  WTO,
                   of existing multilateral health frameworks.  and ITC, as well as initiatives focused on health
                                                          and peace.
                   The second turning point was the conflict between
                   Russia  and  Ukraine.  This  situation  heightened   As a torchbearer for women around the world,
                   geopolitical  tensions,  particularly  among   I  cannot  express  how  proud  I  was  to  witness
                   major  powers,  making  consensus-building  in   not  one,  not  two,  but  five  remarkable  women

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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