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                   for  Sustainable  Development,  coordination   cooperation, contributing to the achievement of significant results and
                   of  relevant  activities  to  enhance  capacity  in   adopting several strategic documents, such as the Roadmap for the
                   the  SPECA  participating  states,  assistance  in   Digitalization of Multimodal Data and Document Exchange along the
                   the  implementation  of  international  legal  acts   Trans-Caspian Corridor Using UN Legal Instruments and Standards,
                   and  the  exchange  of  modern  experience  are   adopted by the Presidents of the SPECA participating States at their
                   considered the key factors in SPECA’s activities.  Summit in Baku, on 24 November 2023, the SPECA Trade Facilitation
                                                          Strategy,  or  the  SPECA  Strategy  on  Innovation  for  Sustainable
                   To achieve the above goals, an implementation   Development.
                   structure has been put in place, while the main
                   decisionmaking body of SPECA is its Governing   As  the  President  of  the  Republic  of  Tajikistan,  Emomali  Rahmon,
                   Council, which consists of national coordinators   noted at this Summit, “our country, as the Chair of the SPECA Working
                   of  the  participating  States  at  the  ministerial   Group on Trade, contributes to the development of sustainable trade
                   or  deputy  ministerial  level,  and  high-level   exchange between the countries of the region.”
                   representatives from UNECE and UNESCAP.
                                                          Trade facilitation is a priority for the SPECA WG on Trade, together
                   Within  the  framework  of  the  Programme,   with strengthening relations between the participating States in the
                   working  groups  operate  on  issues  related  to   WTO  process,  in  particular  for  the  implementation  of  the  WTO
                   trade, water, energy and environment, transport,   Trade  Facilitation  Agreement  (TFA),  the  implementation  of  the
                   transit and sustainable connectivity, innovation   SPECA  Trade  Facilitation  Strategy  and  Principles  of  Sustainable
                   and  technology  for  sustainable  development,   Trade, joint activities on eliminating technical barriers to trade, and
                   statistics and gender, from the perspective of the   the use of UN/CEFACT standards for the digitization of multimodal
                   need to achieve the SDGs.              data and document exchange.

                   The  SPECA  Economic  Forum  is  another   This Working Group developed the SPECA Trade Facilitation Strategy
                   structural  platform  of  the  Programme,  which   and  Roadmap, later adopted by the SPECA Governing Council. Their
                   is held annually. Within its framework, topical   implementation is constantly monitored and updated, as opportunities
                   issues of cooperation and other maters relevant   arise from the cooperation on international trade between the countries.
                   to the countries of the region are presented to   This document served the basis for providing significant assistance to
                   the Governing Council for adopt decisions.  strengthening cooperation between the SPECA countries, in particular
                                                          to accelerate the process of accession of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and
                   In  order  to  ensure  the  proper  functioning  of   Uzbekistan to WTO.
                   the  Programme,  in  particular  to  strengthen
                   cooperation  and  project  development  and   Through the WG on Trade the SPECA stakeholders support the regular
                   management  the  working  groups,  the  SPECA   UN surveys on digital and sustainable trade facilitation, assessments
                   Trust Fund was officially established in September   of  the  readiness  of  SPECA  States  to  implement  the  WTO  TFA,
                   2024. The first meeting of its Steering Committee   assessments of the readiness of the participating States to implement
                   took place in Dushanbe on 28 November 2024,   the  UN  Framework  Agreement  on  Facilitation  of  Cross-Border
                   with  the  participation  of  interested  parties.   Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific, the finalization of the trade
                   Governments,  inter-governmental  or  non-  facilitation roadmap of Uzbekistan, the finalization and publication of
                   governmental   organizations,   international   the study on regulatory and procedural barriers to trade in Uzbekistan,
                   financial  institutions,  the  private  sector,   Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.
                   philanthropic organizations and individuals are
                   expected to make contributions to the Fund.   Despite  the  mentioned  achievements,  there  are  several  issues  that
                                                          require enhanced coordination among the countries and the assistance
                   Tajikistan, along with other participating States,   of UN agencies, such as UNECE and ESCAP. A major constraining
                   has  made  a  significant  contribution  to  the   factor  is  the  predominantly  agricultural  nature  of  most  economies
                   implementation  of  the  Programme,  including   in  the  region,  with  high  proportion  of  perishable  products  in  their
                   as chair for almost twenty years of the SPECA   exports, which has resulted in challenges to food supply chains in the
                   Working  Group  on  Trade,  which  is  one  of   region.
                   the  active  working  groups  of  the  Programme.
                   Notably, through this Working Group the SPECA   To  ensure  timely  access  to  food  supply  chains,  their  safety  and
                   participating States strengthened regional trade   competitiveness, as well as access of the region’s goods and products to

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