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presidency of the republic of Tajikistan
in the Speca program
Undeniably, the economy plays a key role in transparency and equality of the participating
shaping the political and social life of humanity. states with contributions from donor countries
Rapid globalization, opportunities to utilize the and international organizations.
potential for accelerated development which
regional cooperation offers, the progress of The function of the United Nations Economic
science and technology in a coordinated manner Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the United
have prompted states to establish multilateral Nations Economic and Social Commission for
institutions and create constructive integration Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) as coordinating
within the framework of the multilateral UN bodies is significant in promoting the
system. In this sense, the United Nations Special activities of the Program.
Programme for the Economies of Central Asia
(hereinafter SPECA) was established with the Since the establishment of the Program, several
objective to achieve mutually beneficial results, areas were identified as priority, including the
in the interest of its participating states. It development of transport infrastructure and
currently functions as a unique coordinating the facilitation of procedures for the cross-
instrument for regional cooperation in transport, border movement of goods, services and
trade, energy, environmental protection, water labour resources, rational and effective use
management, gender equality, and cooperation of energy and water resources in the region.
with the Asian and European economies. Other objectives include a common regional
development strategy and attraction of foreign
SPECA was established on 26 March 1998, with investment, as well as regional cooperation in
the adoption of the Tashkent Declaration by developing a multi-choice approach to the routes
the Heads of State of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, of hydrocarbon supply through pipelines to the
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In addition to world market.
the countries of Central Asia, Afghanistan
and Azerbaijan also joined this program. Its The mutual recognition of interests in the
objective is to support the Central Asian States in economic development of the region, the need
developing cooperation, creating incentives for to further strengthen economic ties between
economic development and integration with the the Central Asian states and their economic
economies of Europe and Asia. The realization of integration with other regions of Asia and
the programme is based on reciprocal benefits, Europe, assistance in achieving the 2030 Agenda
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h