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                   a  much-needed  escape  from  the  pressures  of   Another vital piece of advice is to always think
                   diplomatic life, offering moments of tranquillity   for  yourself.  It  is  easy  to  fall  into  patterns  of
                   and an opportunity to reflect.         groupthink, especially in a field where consensus
                                                          is  often  emphasized.  However,  innovation  and
                   Interestingly, these hobbies have a direct impact   progress  come  from  those  who  dare  to  step
                   on  my  professional  work.  Tennis  teaches  me   outside the boundaries of conventional thinking.
                   strategic  thinking  and  quick  decision-making,   As Albert Einstein put it, “The important thing
                   both of which are invaluable in diplomacy. Music,   is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own
                   on the other hand, fosters creativity and helps me   reason for existing”. Cultivate curiosity and let it
                   maintain balance, which is crucial when dealing   guide you in your exploration of global issues.
                   with  high-stakes  situations.  Hiking  and  skiing
                   offer a chance to reconnect with nature, which   Finally, I would encourage young diplomats to
                   often brings clarity to complex issues.  embrace  humility  and  the  understanding  that
                                                          they  do  not  have  all  the  answers  –  and  that’s
                   Based  upon  your  experience  and  outstanding   perfectly  fine.  Nobody  does.  Diplomacy  is  a
                   career, what advice would you give to the younger   process  of  continuous  learning,  not  only  from
                   generation of diplomats who are starting their   books and institutions, but also from the people
                   careers  now  or  to  young  people  who  might  be   and  cultures  you  encounter.  Our  great  writer,
                   considering a career in diplomacy?     Anton  Chekhov,  captured  this  well  when  he
                   To  the  younger  generation  of  diplomats  and   said, “Man is what he believes”. Stay true to your
                   those  considering  a  career  in  this  noble  field,   values, but remain open to evolving your beliefs
                   my advice can be summarized in three words:   based on new knowledge and experiences.
                   always think creatively. Diplomacy is as much an
                   art as it is a discipline, requiring one to analyze,   Finally, Your Excellency, do you have a message
                   question, and approach every issue with an open   for our readers?
                   but discerning mind. The world is complex, and   My message is simple: stay positive and always
                   successful diplomats are those who can navigate   look on the bright side of life. Diplomacy – and
                   this complexity not by accepting things at face   life itself – can be full of challenges, but a positive
                   value, but by asking the right questions.  outlook and a good sense of humor can work
                                                          wonders.  As  the  saying  goes,  “Every  cloud  has
                   One of the most important qualities for a diplomat   a  silver  lining”.  So,  embrace  the  opportunities
                   is the ability to challenge assumptions, including   hidden in every challenge, never stop learning,
                   your own. Critical thinking allows you to weigh   and  never  lose  your  optimism.  After  all,  the
                   perspectives, anticipate outcomes, and craft effective   brighter  your  perspective,  the  more  light  you
                   solutions. As the great philosopher Socrates said,   bring to the world!
                   “The unexamined life is not worth living”. This is
                   as true in  diplomacy as  it  is in  personal  growth
                   –  constant  examination  and  questioning  lead  to
                   better decisions and outcomes.

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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