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                                   Walk in the Woods. It is about two disarmament   It  is  imperative  for  our  Western  colleagues  to
                                   negotiators  in  Geneva,  one  from  the  United   recognize this issue, so that normal diplomatic
                                   States,  the  other  from  the  Soviet  Union,  each   communications  can  be  restored.  Until  then,
                                   highly suspicious of the other. To get away from   their strategies remain overly politicized, aimed
                                   the  formal  meetings  that  are  dead-locked  and   predominantly at securing strategic dominance.
                                   allow themselves to try to talk freely, they strike
                                   out on a long walk into the countryside beyond   Geneva  is  often  considered  as  giving  birth  to
                                   Geneva, and each -- to his surprise -- discovers   multilateralism  by  establishing  the  League
                                   what seems to be a real human being in the other.   of Nations here in the 1920s. Russia is now at
                                   So, they continue the walks and eventually, they   the center of “a great leap forward” in the area
                                   manage  a  break-through  in  the  disarmament   of  multilateralism,  in  fact  a  historic  shift  in
                                   talks  that  nobody  thought  possible.  It  was   international relations. How does your work in
                                   based  on  a  real  case.  In  your  vast  experience,   Geneva fit into this development?
                                   you certainly must have had to deal with such   Geneva  has  indeed  played  a  historic  role  in
                                   a dead-lock, a situation where communication   shaping  multilateralism,  and  it  remains  a
                                   seemed impossible. How did you deal with it?  significant  platform  for  cooperation.  Even
                                                                          though,  from  our  perspective,  Switzerland  has
                                   I  will  tell  you  frankly  that  the  situation  you   lost its neutral status by openly siding with the
                                   describe in your question is more from the realm   West and joining all EU anti-Russian sanctions
                                   of  literature.  In  reality,  it  must  be  understood   in the context of the Ukrainian crisis, there are
                                   that  diplomats,  especially  from  countries  like   still  plenty  of  important  international  events
                                   the US and Russia (or the case you describe from   taking place in the country.
                                   the  Soviet  Union),  always  act  within  official
                                   guidelines.  Issues  of  disarmament,  especially   As  Russia’s  Permanent  Representative  here
                                   concerning  strategic  weapons,  missiles,  or   in  Geneva,  I  see  my  role  in  ensuring  that
                                   nuclear non-proliferation, are very complex and   our  country’s  stances  on  different  issues,  our
                                   sensitive. Therefore, I cannot imagine a situation   approaches  to  multilateralism  are  not  only
                                   where two diplomats from these countries, no   heard, but also contribute to the evolving global
                                   matter how talented and creative they may be,   framework.  Representing  Russia  at  various
                                   suddenly find a solution to complex problems,   UN  bodies  and  international  organizations
                                   on  which  these  countries  have  no  common   in  Geneva,  we  focus  on  addressing  critical
                                   ground, during a simple walk in the park.  issues  such  as  global  health,  human  rights,
                                                                          humanitarian  challenges,  and  the  principles
                                   Of  course,  the  negotiation  process  is  very   of  international  law.  These  areas  are  pivotal
                                   important  for  finding  the  necessary  solutions,   in  the  current  geopolitical  context,  where  the
                                   but  diplomacy  has  no  “quick”  solutions,  it   global  majority  is  seeking  a  greater  voice  and
                                   requires  a  very  long,  professional,  and  expert   influence.
                                   coordination, readiness to make concessions. It
                                   is on this basis that the US and the Soviet Union,   Russia’s  approach  to  multilateralism  is  rooted
                                   and  then  Russia,  were  able  to  find  ways  to   in  the  principles  of  sovereign  equality,  mutual
                                   solve existing complex disarmament problems.   respect,  and  non-interference.  We  advocate
                                   Moreover, human connections are undoubtedly   for  a  multipolar  world  where  no  single  power
                                   vital,   particularly   in   diplomacy   where   dominates and where international institutions
                                   negotiators are not just representatives of state   serve the interests of all nations, not just a select
                                   policies  but  individuals  with  human  qualities   few.  Geneva  provides  the  perfect  platform  to
                                   and  traits.  Understanding  one  another  on  this   advance these ideas, whether it is through our
                                   personal level is essential for effective diplomacy.   participation in the Human Rights Council, our
                                   Regrettably, there is currently a significant trust   work with specialized agencies like the WHO,
                                   deficit between Russian and Western negotiators   or our contributions to conflict resolution and
                                   –  a  situation  that  we  are  not  responsible  for   humanitarian efforts.
                                   creating.  For  instance,  how  can  we  engage  in
                                   constructive dialogue when our counterparts at   This  “great  leap  forward”  in  multilateralism  is
                                   international  forums  consistently  avoid  direct   characterized  by  the  growing  role  of  nations
                                   human  interactions  and  shun  direct  contacts?   in  Africa,  Asia,  and  Latin  America,  whose

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