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                  We will not say goodbye but au revoir

                  Interview with
                  lubna Qassim

                  former Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the

                  United Arab Emirates to the United Nations Office and other international
                  organizations in Geneva

                                   She has just left Geneva however, we will not say   look forward to hearing about the opportunities
                                   goodbye  but  au  revoir.  Even  before  her  arrival   that await her in the UAE. So, Ms Lubna, please
                                   in  Geneva  as  deputy  ambassador  of  the  United   keep in touch! And remember, you’ll always have
                                   Arab Emirates diplomatic mission, she had a long   friends here to cheer you on. She did have time for
                                   list of achievements. She had been the Executive   an interview before her departure, so the floor is
                                   Vice-President  and  Group  General  Counsel  at   yours, Ms Lubna.
                                   Emirates NBD. She was awarded the prestigious
                                   GCC Inspiring Leader award in 2019. She is an   Ms.  Qassim,  during  your  tenure  as  the  UAE’s
                                   international  speaker  on  governance,  women’s   Deputy Permanent Representative and Chargé
                                   leadership  and  youth,  and  is  passionate  about   d’Affaires at the UAE Mission in Geneva from
                                   helping  the  UAE  to  achieve  global  success  and   2019 to 2024, how would you characterize your
                                   recognition.  When  she  came  to  Geneva,  she   role? Additionally, how have you observed the
                                   was  the  first  Arab  woman  in  a  senior  position,   landscape of multilateral diplomacy evolve over
                                   and  her  good  work  has  opened  doors  for  many   the past five years?
                                   young Arab women. Her warmth and kindness,   It  has  been  an  honor  to  represent  UAE’s
                                   as well as her unique perspective, brightened her   interests in various UN bodies and international
                                   colleagues’ days.  Although she will be missed, we   organizations  based  in  Geneva,  including

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