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reacted   and   liow   people   react  racters   of  tbis   "soap".    The
                                    to  liim.   Tliis   is  now   going   orit  story   contains    all  16nds   of
                                    tbi'origh   tl'ie  scliools   because  tliings:    life   in   tlie   camps;
                                    of   tlie   problems    in  soutliei'it  drunkenness;    tlieir   own   pro-
                                    Africa.    Nobody    wants   to  blems;    what    liappens    when
                                    admit     tliat    they    are  tliey   go  home;   other   affairs.   It
             order   to  see  wliat   aspect   tliey  HIV/AIDS    positive   as there  is  a  way   of   getting   tliem   to

             worild   like   to  focus   on  them-  is  a  stigina   attaclied    to  it.  Tliis  tell   tlieir   own   stories,   but   it  is
                                    means   that   even   when   drugs  also   a  way   of  gettiiig    the   peo-
                                    are  available,    tl'iey   do  not   go  ple   back   liome   to  get   tliem   to
             Are you  not afraid that people  and   get   tliem   because   they   do  laiow   tliem   better.   It  is  also
             will   become    tired   oj'   alwa)is  not   want   people   to  lcnow.   So  broadcast    iii   Bunmdi    twice   a

             seeiiig thesamepictures of  the  tliis    colleague     offered    to  week   by  forir   of   the  n'iajor

            famine  in  Ethiopia for  imtan-  write   about   this   as  a  way   of  radio   cliannels.    It   is  done   lilce
             ce,  and   tliat   one  da)i  they   will  h'ying   to  encourage    people   to  a  proper   "soap".
             sa)i   no   matter   what   we   do  come   into   the   open    and  to
             things   will   never   cliange?  take    rip   the   offer    of   drugs  W7vat   are   your    objectives,
                                    available    to  anybody.  and   what   wordd   you   iiice  to

             This   is  a  problem,   and   I  tlc          do if  )iou  had  the necessary

             we   liave   faced   this   situation   iii  TVlzere    will   IRIN   be   in   ten  fimds?  contiinie    to   support    us   in
             tlie   hrunanitai'iaii    coinimuffty  years  ?                        terms    of   funding.     I    am
             ever   since   I    can   remember.            If   I  had   enougli   money   to  do  lioping    tliat   what   we   are
             "Fainine    fatigue"-you    see  the  In   tlie   next   ten   years,   I  worild  everytl'iing,    I   really    worild  doing   in   the   Middle    East   will
             same   pictiires   over   and  over  like   to  tliink   tliat   we   are   cove-  like   to  expand   tlie   visual   side  also   be  exciting    and   tliat   we
             agaiii.   Neveitheless,    I    have  ring   more   cormtries   and  we  of  what    we   are   doing,    to  can   lielp   provide    a  bridge

             great   faith   in  tlie   priblic.   When  will    liave   a reputation    for  expand   orir   ability    to  get   into  between   tlie   two   criltures-tlie
             they   can  see  it  and   wlien   tliey  being    a  solid    provider    of  crises   earlier   so  as  to  sl'iow  West   and  tlie   Arab    cultiire.
             are  really   confronted   witli   it,  luunanitarian    news.   This   will  people   wliat   is  happening    and  Right    now   tliere   is   little
             they   have   never   failed   to  l'ielp   broadcasters    to  do  better  to  explain    the   reasons   for   it.  I  cross-fertilization    of   infor-
             respond.   Yes,  tliere   are  emer-  progi'ammes    and   also   help  think   it  is  a  process   of   lear-  mation   from   one  to  another.
             gencies,    sucli   as  those   in  tlie   people   on  the  other   end  ning-if     we   can   reacli   tl'ie  If   you  look   at  n'iost   of   tlie
             Northern    Uganda    and   even  receiving    tlie   programmes.  priblic    and   convince    them  Arab   press,   tliey   do  not   cai'i'y
             in  Daffur,   which   to  a  degree  We   also   want   to  give   tlie   so-  tliat   it  is  not   only   a  question  anytliing    about   humanitariari
             did  not   get   proper   publicity.  called   victims    a  voice,   whicli  of   responding    to  malnoriris-  programmes.    And   vice   versa,
             As   soon   as   the   TV   screens  is  increasingly    what   we  are  lied   babies,   but   more   a  ques-  there   is  very   little    about   in
             exploded    with   all  these   pic-  hyiiig    to   do   througli    radio  tion   of  getting   tlie   right   aid   to  the   Western   press   aborit   wliat
             tures  about   what   is  happe-  and   film.   It  is  very   important  tlie   riglit   people   at  tlie   riglit  is  liappening    in  Arab   corm-
             ning,    people    staited    to  as  tliese   boys   and   girls   do  not  time.   Mucli   of   tliat   is  deve-  tries   from   a  humanitarian
             respond.    So   tliey    miglit    be  liave   any   anotl'ier   cl'iatuiel   to  lopment   aid.  That   is  one  of  poii'it   of   view,   aborit   NGOs,
             saying   tliat   they   are  tired   of  malce   tlieir   voice   lieard.   Tliis  tlie   reasons   why   you   liave   tlie  wliat   tlie   healtli   problems    are,
             seeiiig   pictui'es   of   fainine,   but  is  one  of  tlie   reasons   wliy   we  problems    in   Niger   right   now,  etc.
             generally    they   are  veiy   gene-  started   do  radio   prograinines.  as  there   is  veiy   little   money
             rous   when   they   can  see  the             going   into   development.    Tliat  For   furtiver    i4ormation
                                    Two   years   ago,   we  larmclied  is  wliat   is  needed   in  order   to  about   IRIN   visit   tjieir   websi-
                                    a  "soap   opera"   through    IRIN  stop   tlie   pictures  te.'  yvww.  irin.  org

            Africa  is deeply affected by  radio    for

             the    HIV/AIDS    pandemic.  t   11   e
             Wlqat   liave   yovi   doiie   in  this  Burundian
            field?                  refugees    in
                                    camps    111
             In   2001,   IRIN   saw   tliat   there  Tanzania.
             was   a  need   for   a specialist  It's    very

             news    service     for    people  poprilar.    It
             living    witl'i   HIV/AIDS    iii  ts   even
             Afi'ica    and   all   tliose   involved  more    SuC-
             in   fighting    the   pandemic.  c  e  s  s  f   xi  I
             Thus,   PlusNews    was   bom.   It  because   tlie
             kept   people   infoi'ined    of   the  actors    are
             latest   developn'ients.    We   have  tlie    refu-
             one    staff    member     in  gees   them-
             Joliannesburg     wlio    is  selves-they
             HIV/AIDS    positive.    He  wi'i-  are   trained
             tes  a  diai'y   every   week   wliich  a tn   a t e ri r s
             tells   liis   stoiy,   talking   about  and    they
             what   it's   like   living    witli  have   taken
             HIX7/AIDS,    liow   liis   family  on  tlie   clia-
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