Page 28 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 28
Nortliern Ugandans IDPs have beerzresettled to gover-ninent-controlled camps, sometimes forcibly, in the.face of tlie ongoing
civil conjlict. (C IRIN
up for Iraq and we liave recei-
ved money from tliat to set rip
offices in tl'ie Middle-East
Sei'vice aiid Afghanistan, but
for the rest we liave to ask the
donors. Eveiy year we have to
convince donors tliat it is
worth putting money ixito two years ago as an advocacy
IRIN. Tlffs is not easy, but tlie tool. We liave been providiiig
donors liave been veiy gene- texts for ten years akeady, aiid
roris. Riglit from the stait they I t that still has its place.
liave been suppoitive because However, if you really want to
they saw the need for SIICII a show people what is liappe-
sei'vice. Our budget i'iglit now ning in a countiy, visually, of
is aborit US$6.1 inillion a year, coiu'se, a fihn has a stronger
and tliat is only for tl'ie core of iinpact. So we made a pilot
IRIN. I[n addition to that, we fihn on what was happeniiig iii
liave radio projects that opera- Noithei'n Uganda. In paiticu-
te on aborit US$1 million a lar, tliat the LAR comes in and
year. We also have wliat we kidnaps people, talces them
call a "PlusNews service" away, etc. Thai was veiy sub-
aboritHIV/AIDS forwlucli we cessful and it helped to raise
need anotlier US$1 inillion on awareness aborit what is l'iap-
top of that.
We give the infonnation free
Tallcingaboutmoney... Wlvere because we want the widest
do you get your money from? possible audience to receive it.
So, if a student, a group of stu-
dents or a university worild 'LuN)L, 11 IIILJ
like some infonnation aborit sell, but they
'or example,
our mateiial
it afford to
crew. So we