Page 40 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.3, December 2023
P. 40



                                                                                By Evelina RIOUKHINA

            1848 saw the creation of the Swiss                 of 1291. This place is considered as a
            federal state and with it, the first Federal       national monument, and the annual
            Constitution  –  the country’s basic rule          celebration of  the Swiss National Day
            book and the centrepiece of every                  takes place there on 1   August. This
            democracy.                                         place is only accessible by boat (Lake
                                                               Lucerne) or by foot from Seelisberg. As
            However, “Switzerland” as such already             for  Willhelm Tell, you will not  regret
                                                               visiting the capital of  the Canton of Uri
            The Federal Charter (The Oath of Rütli).           Altdorf, as the monument in the central
            For a long time, the year 1307 – when              square is a masterpiece, and if you are
            the Austrian bailiffs were expelled from           curious enough, you  can also visit the
            Switzerland – was considered the time it           Tell’s Chapel (Tellskapelle) with its
            all began. This is why this date can still         marvellous frescoes. It is a symbol of
            be seen on the base of  the  Wilhelm               rebellion that led to the foundation of the
            Tell monument in Altdorf.   However, the           Old Swiss Confederacy. The Chapel is
            year 1291, and to be more precise,                 located on the foot  of the cliff, on the
            August 1291, is considered and agreed              shore of  the Lucerne Lake, and is
            by historians to be marked as the start            accessible by boat only.
            of the democratic process. On that day,            12 September 1848: While many events
            beginning  of August, the Oath  of Rütli,          since the  Oath of Rutli mark several
            which is the Federal Charter, a treaty of          centuries of  the history of Switzerland,
            alliance, was     signed     by aristocratic       12   September 1848 is particularly
            representatives             of          the        important: this is the date of the
            three founding cantons in           central        establishment of the Swiss federal state,
            Switzerland     –    Schwyz,     Uri    and        which was possible only thanks to the
            Unterwalden (today Obwalden and                    Constitution. On September 12, 1848,
            Nidwalden), marking the date of the                the Federal Diet, a legislative assembly
            federal    state   foundation.     In   this       bringing together the Swiss cantons,
            document,            the founding cantons          adopted the first  federal constitution.
            promised to support each other militarily          The Federal Constitution was accepted,
            and economically. The 1st of August is             with a majority of 15½ cantons
            celebrated as Swiss National Day.
                                                               (including  Lucerne) out of 22 the then
            If you happen to be in the Capital of the          Cantons. Berne was designed as  the
            Canton of Schwyz, please visit the                 federal capital.
            Museum of the Federal Charter, where               The constitution included the basic
            you will see the famed Federal Charter             principles such as:
            of 1291. You can also take a boat trip to
            visit the Rütli meadow (Canton of Uri), to         •   Declaration       of     fundamental
            breathe in this important historical event         individual rights

            AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.3, 2023-12                                                38

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