Page 45 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.3, December 2023
P. 45


               To help us understand the effects of carbon dioxide produced by humans, schools and
               adult education centres conduct an experiment in which concentrated carbon dioxide is
               irradiated with infrared light and after some time the temperature in the reaction vessel
               rises measurably, in the region of around 10 °C. This experiment is called the carbon
               dioxide experiment.

               There would be nothing to criticise about that. - However, we must not forget that the
               experiment is being carried out at slightly more than two thousand times the natural
               concentration of carbon dioxide.

               The test result must therefore inevitably be converted to the normal concentration of just
               under half a litre per cubic metre (500 ppm - hence the factor 2000).

               To do this, divide the observed temperature increase by the concentration factor of two
               thousand. Only then is the correct value of 10/2000 = 0.005 °C obtained.

               But a further correction is necessary. The anthropogenic carbon dioxide produced by
               humans amounts to about 10% of the natural carbon dioxide (in an enquiry at the UBA
               some time ago, it was stated that 1.6% of the total carbon dioxide was of anthropogenic
               origin). The assumption of 10% just made is sufficient.

               If this circumstance is also taken into account, the proven result of the experiment in
               question is an actual effect of  one tenth of the latter value, which means that  the
               anthropogenic proportion of carbon dioxide in  the atmosphere (more precisely, the
               troposphere, i.e. the weather sphere) does not increase the air temperature by more
               than 0.0005 °C, or in other words, there is no more than one tenth of the latter value.

               a temperature increase of five ten-thousandths of a °C

               by anthropogenic carbon dioxide
               as the actual, physically correct effect of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Such a small
               temperature difference is not easily measurable; in practice, it is not possible to
               measure much more accurately than a tenth of a degree.

               The experiments carried out in the educational establishments therefore clearly show
               that the carbon dioxide produced by humans does not cause an increase in air
               temperature. So far, only the  concentration correction has been overlooked.   On

               There is nothing physically wrong with the experiment described. However, we have to
               come to terms with it,

                that there is no man-made

               temperature increase in the troposphere.

               These unambiguous test results prove that the current opinion  on carbon dioxide is
               based on a fundamental error and that all efforts to reduce CO2 concentrations are an

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.3, 2023-12                                                43

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