Page 44 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.3, December 2023
P. 44
I would estimate it very much, if you could help supporting the scientific truth but not this
biggest error ever that anybody believes in. Return to normality, trust in gods beautiful
nature we only can admire.
Climate never can be forecasted because we do not know any physical laws that would
allow it. These famous models also are nothing else than pure assumptions, one never
can trust. It’s all nonsense.
I do thank you for this great work you are doing giving us pensioners kind of feeling we
still are world citizens, a privilege only the few of us can thankfully accept. A pity that not
everyone would have a few years to live somewhere quite far from home. Getting a
feeling about what this world could be if these few persons causing wars would become
suffering from Alzheimer. Then the world would become really great and human like.
Best regards
Ever yours Albert KOHLER (WMO)
AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.3, 2023-12 42
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