Page 47 - Bulletin, Vol.78 No.3, October 2019
P. 47

Canton  and  City  of  Geneva.  Greycells  was  granted  ECOSOC  Special  Consultative
               Status in 2017.

               Greycells members have accumulated a wealth of experience, knowledge and practice
               that  can  be  used  by  current  and  future  development  thinkers  and  practitioners  to
               improve the lives of future generations. They consider that it has been a privilege to be
               able  to  accumulate  such  experience,  which  they  believe  they  have  a  moral  duty  to
               share. That is why Greycells is a not-for-profit NGO and the participation of its members
               to all its activities is provided on a pro bono basis.

               Through its 11 years of existence, Greycells has developed “bridges” between its mem-
               bers  and  current  and  future  civil  servants,  mainly  students  interested  in  pursuing  an
               international  career,  as  well  as  bridges  between  the  international  community  and  the
               Swiss and Geneva communities. This has taken the form of dialogues, round tables,
               seminars,  courses,  workshops,  interviews  and  mentoring  activities.  It  has  also
               developed fruitful partnerships with several universities and a number of development
               NGOs and associations.

               With the support of the Swiss Permanent Mission in Geneva, Greycells has developed a
               set  of  briefing  materials  for  the  permanent  missions  of  Less  Developed  Countries
               (LDCs).  It  has  received  most  valuable  support  from  the  Geneva  Welcome  Center
               (CAGI) and collaborates closely with the Eduki Foundation in promoting education and
               awareness  among  children  and  young  people  about  the  work  of  international  organ-
               izations,  through  their  flagship  activities  #Kidswannaknow  and  the  annual  Eduki
               Competition on the SDGs.

               On  the  occasion  of  its  tenth  anniversary,  Greycells  organized  a  « Dialogue :  Seniors
               and Millennials together for the SDGs”. An online questionnaire was disseminated for a
               month through social media. Over 170 people of diverse age and nationality, including a
               third  of  Swiss  nationals)  expressed  their  views  on  poverty,  inequality,  employment,
               retirement and pensions, gender, environment and other issues related to the SDGs.
               This  intergenerational  dialogue  was  continued  on  10  October  2018  at  the  Palais  des
               Nations,  where  over  200  seniors  and  millennials,  local  and  international,  exchanged
               views with two panels comprising all the partners involved in that initiative: the City of
               Geneva  (Department  of  social  cohesion  and  solidarity),  the  United  Nations  Office  at
               Geneva,  the  Platform  of  Associations  of  senior  people;  the  Youth  Parliament;  the
               Geneva International Model United Nations; Young UN ; Rotaract Geneva International.

               Following  up  on  the  successful  methodology  and  format  of  the  intergenerational
               dialogue, Greycells is launching a new initiative : a Dialogue on the 100 years of the
               international civil service (ICS), which will take place in November 2019. The Dialogue
               aims at : (1) disseminating the origins, the evolution and the main features of the ICS –
               neutrality,  independence  and  impartiality  -  particularly  among  the  young  generation,
               including through personal experiences of former staff members; (2) discussing the role
               of  the  ICS  at  the  core  of  multilateralism,  and  what  needs  to  be  done  to  support  and
               reinforce the ICS in the current international environment, with the view to defending the
               importance of multilateralism. The target audiences will be deliberately mixed: former

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