Page 6 - Prayer
P. 6
Augustinian Spirituality
Augustinian Prayer:
Brings the words of Scripture forward into the present
Asks “What is this passage saying to me in my life?”
Sees scripture as a personal letter from God and find great meaning in it
Finds great fruit in meditating deeply on small portions of Scripture and
allowing the relationship with God to be deepened.
Ways to Pray:
Journaling Centering Prayer
Spontaneous Prayer Lectio Divina
Suggested Scripture:
Isaiah The Song of Songs The Gospels,
Psalms Paul’s Epistles especially Luke
Franciscan Prayer:
Franciscan Spirituality
Aided by creative, physical things (sacramentals, incense, movement)
Experiences Christ through the senses
Driven by praise and gratitude
Finds a simple conversation with Jesus as most fruitful
Centered on the life and death of Christ
Ways to Pray:
Acts of Service Spontaneous Prayer Doodles
Self-sacrifices Visio Divina Music
Suggested Scripture:
Psalms The Gospel especially Mark