Page 6 - Prayer
P. 6

Augustinian Spirituality
                     Augustinian Prayer:
                      Brings the words of Scripture forward into the present
                      Asks “What is this passage saying to me in my life?”

                      Sees scripture as a personal letter from God and find great meaning in it
                      Finds great fruit in meditating deeply on small portions of Scripture and

                      allowing the relationship with God to be deepened.

                     Ways to Pray:

                       Journaling                                 Centering Prayer

                       Spontaneous Prayer                         Lectio Divina

                     Suggested Scripture:

                       Isaiah                        The Song of Songs             The Gospels,

                       Psalms                        Paul’s Epistles                      especially Luke

                     Franciscan Prayer:
             Franciscan Spirituality
                      Aided by creative, physical things (sacramentals, incense, movement)
                      Experiences Christ through the senses

                      Driven by praise and gratitude
                      Finds a simple conversation with Jesus as most fruitful
                      Centered on the life and death of Christ

                     Ways to Pray:

                       Acts of Service            Spontaneous                 Prayer Doodles

                       Self-sacrifices            Visio Divina                Music

                     Suggested Scripture:

                      Psalms                                      The Gospel especially Mark

                      Daniel
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