Page 8 - Prayer
P. 8
Lectio Divina is a practice of scriptural reading. It involves meditating on a passage of the Bible,
Lectio Divina Prepare: Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in reading
preferably the Gospel of the day.
the Scripture.
Reading: Slowly and prayerfully read the passage.
Repeat up to 3 times, allowing a word or phrase to
speak to you.
Meditation: Repeat & reflect for a few minutes on the
word or phrase that is speaking to you and connect it
to your life.
Prayer: Speak to God about any thoughts, feelings,
and questions.
Contemplation: Rest silently and prayerfully. Let go of
your own words and thoughts to allow the word of God
to speak to your heart.
Visio Divina Prepare: Close your eyes and clear your mind. Ask the
Visio Divina is a practice of sacred seeing. It involves meditating on a religious image.
Holy Spirit to guide you in seeing what God wants you
to see.
Reading: Open your eyes and scan the entire image.
eyes and picture the image in your mind.
Pay attention to what grabs your interest. Close your
Meditation: Open your eyes and allow your focus to be
led to one part of image. Close your eyes and picture
that part in your mind.
Prayer: Speak to God about any thoughts, feelings, &
Contemplation: Rest silently and prayerfully. Let go of
your own words and thoughts to allow the word of God
to speak to your heart.