Page 13 - Prayer
P. 13
Gospel Contemplation
Gospel Contemplation is a prayer form in which you use your senses to in an imaginative way to
reflect on a Gospel passage.
Select a Gospel passage where Jesus is interacting
with others.
Read through the passage a couple of times until the
story is familiar.
Close your eyes and place yourself in the scene. Play it
in your mind like a movie. Use all your senses to
experience the scene.
Use your imagination to touch, smell, see, hear, and
taste the scene.
Close with prayer, speaking your heart to Jesus.
Examination of Conscience
The examination of conscience is a way to help us review our thoughts and actions in relation to
the commandments and the example of Christ. This can be prayed daily, weekly, monthly or
before the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Quiet your self and ask for God’s guidance as you
examine your past thoughts and actions.
Reflect on your relationship with God, your
relationships with other people, and your relationship
with yourself.
Think about how you’ve acted, the words you’ve said,
and the thoughts that have entered your mind.
Thank God for the good in your life.
Recommit to following God more closely.