Page 12 - Prayer
P. 12

Way of the Cross

                      The Way of the Cross is an ancient devotion to accompany Jesus in his passion and death. It is
                                usually prayed during Lent and Holy Week but can be prayed at any time.

                        Begin by saying an opening prayer, like the Act of


                        Meditate by following this process at each of the

                                   Say the number and name of the station.

                                   Pray We adore you, O Christ, and praise
                                      you. Because by your holy cross, you have
                                      redeemed the world.

                                   Reflect and read the Bible passage that depicts
                                      the station.

                                   Finish the stations by praying Lord Jesus,
                                      crucified, have mercy on us.

             Adoration   Eucharistic Adoration is praying before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle or in a

                                 monstrance. Here are suggestions of what to pray when in Adoration...

                       Pray the Psalms or the Liturgy of the Hours

                       Recite the Jesus Prayer repeatedly
                          Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner

                       Meditate using Lectio Divina or other methods

                       Ask for forgiveness, give thanks, and intercede for


                       Pray the Rosary or Chaplets

                       Just sit quietly and be in the presence of God
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