Page 7 - Prayer
P. 7
Ignatian Spirituality
Ignatian Prayer:
Puts oneself into the Gospel stories and allows the Spirit to speak
Uses the senses to enhance prayer by imagining what the scene looked
like, what the weather was like, etc.
Organized, regimented, and traditional
Helped by reading longer Scripture passages and making connections
Ways to Pray:
Daily Examen Gospel Contemplation
Rosary and Chaplets Mass
Way of the Cross
Suggested Scripture:
Exodus James
Isaiah The Gospels especially Matthew
Thomistic Spirituality
Thomistic Prayer:
Searches for the truth that becomes a prayerful dialogue
Reflects on a virtue, fault, truth, or mystery
Questions the who, where, what, when, why, how and with what to see
the depths of what is being contemplated
Sets goals
Takes a short lesson away from prayer that can focused on afterwards
Ways to Pray:
Examination of Conscience
Spiritual Reading
Suggested Scripture:
Gospel of John Hebrews Ephesians
Wisdom Psalms Colossians