Page 20 - Soroka brochure digital ALL
P. 20

Soroka -                                                                 Soroka has always had a special relationship with the

                                                                                 Israel Defense Forces. With the relocation of major
        A Strategic                                                              military  bases  to  the  South,  that  relationship has

                                                                                 become closer than ever. Soroka is on the front lines
                                                                                 of emergency medical and trauma care in its role as
        Asset in War                                                             “Israel’s Iron Dome for Health.”

        and Peace                                                                During  Operation  Protective  Edge,  for  example,  we
                                                                                 treated over 740 wounded soldiers. All the soldiers
                                                                                 who reached Soroka alive also left Soroka alive, despite
                                                                                 the severity of their wounds in many cases. We also

                                                                                 successfully  treated over 1,100  civilian casualties.
                                                                                 Our staff was reinforced by 500 volunteers. Over 400
                                                                                 units of blood were donated. 2,350 new babies were
                                                                                 born under fire.

                                                                                 These numbers cannot adequately describe the pain
                                                                                 we suffered, the passionate communal response we

                                                                                 witnessed,  or the hope we felt despite the threat.
                                                                                 It was not an easy time for the South, but Soroka’s
        "You provide to the soldiers and to us, the                              resilience and professionalism  saved lives and
        commanders, the highest level of medical                                 strengthened the surrounding community.
        support in both professional and human

        Major General,

        Israel Defense Forces Southern Command
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