Page 5 - Happy new year from Soroka medical center
P. 5

Matan  Snipelsky, seventeen,  was diagnosed  with
 Saban Pediatric Medical Center                                                                  juvenile diabetes in 2009, when he was seven years
                                                                                                 old. Matan is the son of a teacher and a veterinarian
 In 2018                                                                                         from the town of Meitar.
                                                                                                 His  mother  noticed  symptoms  that  Matan  had
                                                                                                 developed, including frequent urination, thirst, and
                                                                                                 weight loss, which raised her suspicion of diabetes.
                                                                                                 The family turned to Soroka and the Diabetes Clinic
                                                                                                 at  the  Saban  Pediatric  Outpatient  Center,  where  a
                                                                                                 rapid diagnosis of juvenile diabetes was made.
                                                                                                 Since the disease was diagnosed, and to this day, the
                                                                                                 staff  at  the  clinic  have  been  accompanying  Matan
                                                                                                 and his family in treating and coping with the disease.
                                                                                                 The  clinic’s  staff  members  are  available  to  provide
                                                                                                 daily support 24 hours a day to Matan and to all its
                                                                                                 young patients.
 14,278   5,537  50,064   43,294  Thanks to the guidance and support of the staff, the therapeutic coverage it provides, and the support of his parents, Matan leads

 Inpatient   Children  Ambulatory  Emergency  a normal life and does not allow the limitations of the disease to prevent him from taking part in a wide variety of activities.
                       He is highly motivated, capable, and successful despite the constant demands of the disease and its treatment. Matan currently
 admissions  (ages 0–17)   visits  Department  takes part in sports such as scouting, extreme hiking, and professional cycling.
                       Matan serves as chairman of the Juvenile Diabetes Association – Youth Leaders. He has visited the United States and met with
 underwent  visits     members of Congress to raise awareness of the disease. In addition, he leads projects for diabetic patients and participates in

  surgery              special summer camps for children with diabetes. Recently, Matan was notified that he was accepted as a volunteer in an elite unit
                       of the IDF.
                       Matan participated in a feature film about his life story and the process of diagnosis. This film emphasized the clinic׳s importance
                       to new patients in facilitating the initial diagnosis of the disease.
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