Page 7 - Dear Bera Family
P. 7

April 22, 2020

Re: Expressing our gratitude
I requested and received service from Soroka Hospital. They made a house call to administer an intravitreal
injection of Avastin to Miriam Shoukroun.
The communication, arrival, the wonderful team and driver of United Hatzalah came with a smile on their
faces and so much good will to perform the task.
I, Yakov, her husband, want to thank the staff, offices and management for this wonderful service that
showed so much dedication.

Thank you so much for everything,
Miriam and Yaacov Shoukroun

April 6, 2020                                        Thank you letter:                                       April 5, 2020

To Dr. Shlomi Codish, Hospital Director, and the     I would like to thank United Hatzalah and               Shalom,
management of Soroka Hospital                        Soroka Hospital for their rapid response                I would like to thank the staff of the Eye Clinic
                                                     and understanding of the difficult                      at Soroka Hospital as well as the staff of United
Re: Tova Yonanian                                    situation and especially the consideration,             Hatzalah for their wonderful initiative of making
On April 6, 2020, I had the privilege of seeing the  courtesy, smile and what they give of                   a house call to give my mother an intravitreal
Soroka Eye Clinic staff, Dr. Haddad and the nurses,  themselves, and all voluntarily. Bless you              injection.
Inna, Dena and Dvir, who made a house call to see    and your role in this world and beyond.                 Thank you very much.
my mother, an elderly woman of 93, to give her       May God protect you and keep you and                    To Dr. Hadad
an intravitreal injection, because she suffers from  your families, amen.                                    To nurse Inna Shusterman
diabetes. (Without the injections she could go       What God wants is unity, selfless love and              To the senior nurse and the driver from United
completely blind.)                                   giving to others.                                       Hatzalah, who provided this service as volunteers.
I was very moved, and on behalf of my mother,        Thank you very much,                                    We do not take any of this for granted.
I would like to thank them with all my heart.                                                                Once again, thank you very, very much.
A noble act that is very much appreciated.           With love,                                              It is greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much from the                         The Zarbiv family                                       Wishing you a happy and kosher
bottom of our hearts,                                                                                        Passover, and most importantly,
                                                                                                             the best of health.
Edna Rotem,                                                                                                  From the family of Simi Cohen
Daughter of Tova Yonanian
                                                                                                             Daughter – Yehudit Yosef
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