Page 109 - pte 2 2020
P. 109
xample How much of Bangladesh is usually flooded during the rainy season?
Affi aboutafifth
B l] about a third
G П about two-thirds
Why was Rezwan able to attend school in the rainy season?
я ! нe сould go to sсhooI by boat.
в ! нis schoolWasn't flooded.
о П нe lived near the sсhool.
WhiIe at university, Rezwan deсided that
A ! sсhools should be moved to higher ground.
B ! schools should be able to travel.
C ! new sсhools shouId be buiIt in different plaоes
What did Rezwan do in 1998?
я ! нe started the first floating sоhooI
в ! нe set up an organisation.
с П нe raised some monеy.
ln the last paragraph, we are told that thirty is the number of
A ! сomputers on board each boat'
B ! books in eaсh boat's library'
C ! сhildren that eaсh boat has room for.
3'l The text says that solar power
A ! reduces the сost of providing energy for the boats.
в ! is one of the subjeсts that сhildren learn about.
C l makes it possible for sсhools to open in the evening'
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