Page 111 - pte 2 2020
P. 111

Questions  36-39

      Read  the  leaflet  below  and  answer  the  questions

                Naples  Underground

                Тhe  сity  of Naples  is well  known  for  its outstanding  beauty,
                but few people  know  whatЪ  underground   _  inсluding  a
                vegetaЬle  garden  З5 metrеs  Ьelow  the  сity  streets!  After
                you've  walked  down   '136  steps,  to  a depth  of  40 metres,
                guides  will  take you through  2,400 years  of history,  from  the

                Anсient  Greеks  to the  Romans  and  Ьeyond.  Most  of the walk
                is welI  lit, but for onе seсtion  you'll  be given  a сandle  to  hold.
                The  visit  inсludеs  what  is lеft  of an anсiеnt  Roman  theatre.
                The  entranсe  to this  is on the ground  floor of a house,  hidden
                underneath  a bed that your  guide  will  push  away!

        Еxample  What  is Naples  famous  for?

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       з6  How  far under  Naples  does  the tour  begin?

       37   What  is the oldest  group  in history  you  will  learn about?

       3B   What  will you i;se  during  part  of  the  walk,  to see  where  you  are  going?

       39  What is  moved  so that  you  оan  enter  the Roman  theatre?

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