Page 112 - pte 2 2020
P. 112
Questions 40-46
Read the web artiоIe and сomplete the notes. Write no more than three words from th
text in each gap.
Who needs сlassiсal musiс?
l didnt. l neveг usеd to Iisten to сlassiсal musiс. Lil< е many
people, l didn't know what the musiс was oг who wrotе
it, even though, itЪ frequently played in lots of films. Also,
сlassiсal musiс is sometimes used in the baс|< ground of vidеo
games' but l гarely paid attеntion to it. one day, though, my
wholе attitude to сlassiсal musiс сhanged. l'd aггived a bit
. early for сlass and the tеaсher was playing something beautiful
while shе set uP the Iesson. l asI< ed hег about it, thеn
went home and listened to it from beginning to end. lt was
wondeгful! Sinсe then, сlassiсal musiс has definitely beсomе
one of my favourite tyPes of musiс.
l love how сlassiсal musiс сaгries me away' sometimes for
hours. l've notiсed how muсh betteг my сonсentration
has beсome. This featuгe of сlassiсaI musiс has also been
demonstгated through sсientifiс reseaгсh. Currеntly, theгe is
a lot of talk that we're losing our ability to stay foсussed, so
this is a rеal benefit. l've also found that I сan usе it to сhange
my mood. lt helps me to feеI happier, сalmeг and гeduсеs my
stгess. And itЪ not just mе _ lots of sсiеntifiс studies have had
similar results.
Do you need morе сIassiсal musiс in your Iife? Thе radio or
online aгe good plaсes to staгt. Another idea is buying a new
set of musiс, whiсh is сoming out next month and is designed
for people who are new to сlassiсal musiс. You сould even tгy
going to a сonсert _ therеЪ nothing quitе lil< e heaгing some
artists live. Suгpгisingly' the сost of attending a сonсert is
gеneralIy about { l5, although the toP seats сan sti|| be over
f l00. Мake time foг с|assiсal musiс _ itЪ woгth it!
ll0 sЕсTloN 7 RЕАD|NG