Page 117 - pte 2 2020
P. 117

       Now,  I'd like  you  to speak  on your  own  for about  1 minute.

        ln  the test,  the  examiner  might  ask  you  about any  different  topics.  Here  are  four  examples
       of topics  they  could  ask  you  about.

        .  Do you  prefer  to  buy things  online  or  in аn ordinary  shop?
          Eхtra questions
          .  What  are  the  benefits  of online  shopping?
          .  Are  there  any  items it's not  good  to  buy  online?
          .  What  was  the  last thing  you  bought  online?
          .  Do you  think  online  shops  will  replaсe  shops  in towns  soon?  WhyДVhy  not?

        .  Do you prefer  listening  to  musiс  alone  or with  friends?  Why?

          Еxtra  questions
          .  Do  you  have  a favourite  plaсe  to  listen  to musiс?
          o  What  do  you  think  about listening  to  music  when  you  work  or  study?
          .  Why do  people  like  to go to live сoncerts?
          о  How do  you  or  your  friends  and  family  usually  buy  music?

        o  How interested  are  you  in the news?
          Extra questions
          о  How can  people  find  out  about  the  news?
          .  Do you  think  people  should  believe  everything  they  read  in the  news?
          .  ls being  a  journalist  a good  job?  WhyДVhy  not?
          .  Do  you  talk  about  the  news  with  your  friends  and  family?  WhyДVhy  not?

        .  What  are  some  of the  Ways  people  сan  make  new  friends?
          Еxtra questions
          о  ls  it better  to  have  a few  really  good  friends  or Iots  of  people  you know  a littIe? Why?
          .  bo  friends  always  have  to agree  on everything?  WhyДVhy  not?
          .  What  kind  of  qualities  do  you  Iook  for  in a  good  friend?
          о  How сan       make  sure         friends  with  each other?

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