Page 121 - pte 2 2020
P. 121

Questions  1-10
       Q  vou have  10 seсonds  to  read  each  question.  Listen  and  put  a сross  ffi  in tne  box  next
       to the  correct  answer,  as  in the  example.  You  have  10 seconds  to  choose  the  correсt  option'

        Ехample  What  are  the speakers  discussing?

            дП  д book  by a new  writer.
            B  П  A book  they  are  reading.

            с  E  A book  by a writerthey  know.

        1   Whiсh  serviсe  does  the  Woman  work  for?

            A !  ambulance  serviоe

            B  !   police  serviсe
            с !   tire service

        2    How  does  the  man  feel?

            A!  unhappy

             B  !  anxious
            C!  upset

        3  What  is  the  shop  offering  now?
            AП  a competition  entry

             B  П  a discount
             оП  afreeholiday

        4    How  does  the girl  describe  her  new school?

            A  !  оhallenging

             B  !   convenient
             C!  stressful

        5  What  does  the  Еnglish  Ianguage  teaсher  want to focus  on?
            A !  voсabulary
             B  !   grammar
             C !   pronunсiation

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