Page 126 - pte 2 2020
P. 126

Seсtion  4

                                         Questions  22-26
                                         Read each  text and  put  a cross  E  ьy the  missing  word  or  phrase,  as  in the  example'


                                               Are  you  organising  a biгthday   Party   or speсial  oссasion?  Did  you
                                               l< now  on  weekday  evenings  you сan      our  funсtion  room  foг
                                               fгeе  fгom 6 o'сloсk  to midnight?

                                          R!  кeep

                                          C  ffi  book


                                             The  animals  in this  zoo  eat сarefully  seleсted  food.  Plеase  don't  feed them,
                                                          for their  health  and  foг your  own  ......................  too.

                                         A!  safety
                                         B  !  insurance
                                         C !   care


                                              lf you are applying  for thе      of sales  assistant,  please  leave your

                                              appliсation  form with  our ГeсePtionist  at  the  front  desl< .

                                         A !  responsibility
                                         в  !  outy
                                         C !   position

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