Page 129 - pte 2 2020
P. 129

Еxample  Why  are a lot  of people  choosing  to  live  in a tiny  house?
            я!  тney  hopeto  have an  adventure.

            в  ffi   тney  want  to  spend  less money.
            с !   тtrey  need  Iess space.

       27  The  text  is about  houses  with  a maximum  size of

            я  !   зz square  metres'
             в П  gз   square  metres.

            cZ  zцт'з  square  metres.

       28   What  was  the  main  reason  Amy  and  Simon  Jenkins  sold  their  previous  house?

            я !  to be cIose  to  their  сhildren
             в !   to travel  to different  plaсes
             с !   to  make  some  money

       29  Why  did  Dan Walsh decide  to Iive  in a tiny  house?
             я !  to save  Up  to buy  a larger  house

             в !  to  rent  out  his  previous  house
             C !   to  have  his  own plaоe

       30  Why is  Dan Walsh  Iuоky?
             я !  нis  house  is on  his  parents'  land.

             в П  нis  parents  bought  his  house.
             с !  нis  house  is  in the  оountryside.

       31  What  was  a pleasant  surprise  for  Amy?
             я !  sne  prefers  having  less  stuff'

             в !  Her  new  home  takes  IittIe time  to clean
             с  !  sne  is  tidier  now  than  she was.

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