Page 132 - pte 2 2020
P. 132
Seсtion 7
Questions 40-46
Read the online post and сomplete the notes. Write no more than three words from the
text in each gap.
Josh's photograPhу сourse
Hi еvеryonе, l promised I'd wгite and lеt you l< now about
my photogгaphy сourse. WeIl, it was Pretty good, and l thinI<
four days was enough. l had wondeгed aЬout doing the full
weel< , but I'm quite glad that it was fully booked, as an extra
thгее days wouId havе сost { l90. Anyway' l did 'lots of
diffeгеnt things in thе time l was there, and l thinI< f l l0 was
a fair pгiсе for the сouгse.
What exaсtly did we do? Well, we weгe сeгtainly busy.
Whеn we aггivеd at thr сentГe' we didn't even have time
to find our rooms, as thеге was a Iесturе for evеryone. lt
was quite interesting, although I was l< een to get outside and
see the landsсape. lt was a гeaIly Ьeautiful plaсe and it was
wonderful to go out and explore it.
Wе spent the whole of the next day learning about how
to take piсtures in differеnt sorts of Iight, whiсh was really
useful. ln the evening, we went for suppeг at a niсe plaсe
next to the haгbour nearby. After that though, a|I the other
mеals were seгved at the сentге. Beсause there was lots of
aсtivities sсhedu|ed, we usually had to eat late in the evening.
l usually pгefeг eatin8 earlieг, but l didn't гeally have a сhoiсe.
Anyway, in general, I really enjoyed it. I learned lots of new
teсhniques and the teaсhегs wеге so helpful. l asl< еd thеm
about any books that they сou[d reсommend, but thеy aIl
agгeed that an onlinе сouгse wouId bе the best way for mе
to kеep on learning, so I think thatЪ what I'll do. l might go
baсk foг onе of their othеr сouгses' Ьut if l do l'll сertainly
have somе snaсl< s with me and l'd advise anyone еlse to do
the same!
t30 sEстloN 7 RЕAD|NG