Page 131 - pte 2 2020
P. 131
Questions 36-39
Read the newspaper article below and answer the questions.
How to be haqуLer
Resеarсh suggests that if instеad of using the сar eaсh day,
people go to work by bike, on foot, or on publiс transport, they
beсome happier.
The University of Еast Anglia study looked at eighteen years
of data on 18,000 British workers аged 18_65 years. lt found
that journeys to work whiсh involved physiсal aсtivity improved
pеopleЪ sleep and inсreased levels of hapрiness.
The results may surprisе those who believe that travelling with
сrowds of pеople is stressful. Howeve1 by using publiс transport,
people have time for things that bring them joy, like reading.
They сan also notiсe some benefits of walking to a station or a
bus stop. This makes thеm happier too.
Example Which kind of transport is least likely to make us happy?
36 over what period was information оoIlected for the study?
37 Whiоh everyday activity improved for people who were more active?
з8 What part of using public transport stops some people frdm relaxing?
39 Where must people normally go to use public transport?
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