Page 128 - pte 2 2020
P. 128

Seсtion  5

                                       Questions  27-31
                                       Read  the  magazine  article  and  answer  the  questions  below.  For each  question,  put  a
                                       cross  ffi   in  the  box next  to  the сorreсt  answer,  as  in the  example'

                                              Living  in a tiny house

                                             In the  USA,  most  houses  are large.  However,  while providing  more

                                             sPaсe' these  houses  mean  bigger  bills,  for exampIe  for  heating.  This  is  a
                                             major  reason  why  many  peopIe  are starting  to сhoose  a different  way  of
                                             life, and  trying the adventure  of tiny house  Iiving.

                                             So  how tiny  is tiny?  Well,  the average  size  of  a family  house  in the USA
                                              was  247 .3 square  metres  (m2)  in 2o1з.  A smalI  house  is between  37m2
                                             and  93m2.  A tiny house  is anything  less  than that.

                                             Amy  and  Simon  Jenkins  moved  into  a tiny house  when  their  kids
                                             Ieft home.  'We  had  too  muсh  sPaсe  and we  realised  we  сould  travel

                                             wherever  we  wanted  if we  got  a house  on wheels,'says  Amy.  'That  was
                                             one  of the  main  things  for  us. Тhe  money  we  got  from  the saIe  of  our
                                             house  was  extra.  We're  сurrentIy  living  in San  Franсisсo,  spending  time
                                             with  our oldest  son.'

                                             But it's not  just  Ameriсans  who  are going  tiny.  Dan  WaIsh  is  a student
                                             in London  who сhose  the same  way  of  living.  'l сouIdn't  afford  to buy  a
                                             house  here and  l didn't  Iike  sharing  expensive  rented  plaсes.  l deсided

                                             to live  in a tiny house  so  l сouId  hаve somewhere  to Iive  aIone.  l'm Iuсky
                                             that  l'm  abIe to put  it in my parents'  garden  though.  ThatЪ  а definite
                                             advantage.  And  they  Iive  сIose  to  the  сountryside,  so thatЪ  great,  too.'

                                             So  aren't  there some  obvious  disadvantages  of Iiving  in a tiny house,
                                             Iike having  to  throw  away  things  that  don't  fit in your  new  home?  Amy
                                             explains  that  it was  diffiсuIt  for  her  at the  time  but 'you quiсkIy  reaIise
                                             the  benefits.  My  tiny house  takes hardly  any time  to  сlean  now  and  l've

                                             beсome  a tidy   Person,   whiсh  l reaIIy  didn't  exPeсt.  l'd  reсommend  it
                                             to  anyone!'

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