Page 120 - pte 2 2020
P. 120
Now, we are going to tаke pаfi in a role pIay. Here is а сard with the situation on it.
Pleаse read it to yourself.
О seconds
Now let's begin.
Test taker's оard
You have to phone up about an appointment at the dentist's. The examiner is
the dentist's reсeptionist'
. Greet the reсeptionist.
. Еxplain why you need to сancel your appointment
. Give the day and time of your appointment.
. Say when you would like a new appointment.
. .Say thank you and goodbye.
(Turn to 152 for eхaminer's card')
i:ffi::.e going to take paЁ in a role play. Here is a саrd with the situation on it'
Please reаd it to yourself.
tЭ 75 seсonds
Now let's begin.
Test taker's саrd
You want to buy a new сomputer and need some advice. The examiner is the
manager of a сomputer shop.
a Explain you need a new сomputer and what happеned to your old one
a Say what you want the new computer for.
a Ask about the price of the сomputer that's recommended.
a Ask about special offers.
o Тhank the manager.
(Turn to 152 for eхaminer's card.)
llB sEстloN lз SPЕAK|NG