Page 115 - pte 2 2020
P. 115

Question  48
               one of the topics  below  and  write  your  answer  in 100-150  words.

       A You  have  watched  a fiIm about  friends  in your Еnglish  оIass.  This  film  looks  at the
       importanоe  of friendship  in  our  Iives  and  encourages  us  to  think  about  how  we make
       friends  and  how  we keep  them.
       Write аn essay  about  friendship.

       B You  see  this notiсe  on  a teоhnology  website.

             Тell us about  the last  pieсe  of teсhnology  you  bought  or Were given!
             What  is the teсhnology  and  how useful  is it?  |s there  anything  you
             wouId  сhange  about  it? Would  you  reсommend  it to other  people?
       Write a review  of a piece  of technology.

       Put  a cross  ffi  in  tne  box next  to  the task  you  have  chosen
       AП      BП

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