Page 19 - pte 2 2020
P. 19


         Sесtion  3 tеsts  youг  listеning  skiIIs  and  how  wеlI  you сan usе infoгmation  fгom  a longeг  гесoгding
         to сompletе  a tеxt  oг a sеt of  notеs.  You  hеaг two  гесoгdings  in this  sесtion.  Тhеy  might  be  publiс
         notiсеs,  гесoгdеd  mеssagеs  oг  сonvегsations.

          ln  this  seсtion,  you  are bеing  tested  on:
          Your general  listening  skills
          .   lf you сan undегstand  simрIе  infoгmation  on  familiaгtopiсs.
          .   If you сan  foIIow  thе genегal  mеaning  and somе  important  points.
          .   lf you  сan  undегstand  сommon  еvегy  day  oг  job-relatеd  voсabulaгy.
          .   lf you  сan  folIow  aссеnts  fгom  diffегеnt  Еnglish-spеaking  сountгies.
          Your  understanding  of  notiсes  and  instruсtions
           .   lf you  сan  undегstand  diгесtions.

          Your  understanding  of  сonversations  between  native  speakers
           .   lf you сan usuallyfoIlowthе  main  points  of  longeгtalks.
          Your  undеrstanding  as  a memЬer  of a Iive  audienсе
           .   lf you сan  followthе  main  foсus  of  simpIе  shoгttalks  on  famiIiaгtopiсs.
           .   lfyou  сaп  undегstand  сIеar  spеeсh'
          Your  undеrstanding  of reсordings  and  radio  rePorts
           .   lfyou  сan  undегstand  геports  on subjесts  ofpегsonal  inteгеst.
           .   lf you сan  follow  thе  main points  of  гadio  and  nеws  гeсoгdings  on  familiaг  topiсs.

           .  .  Rеad  thе  instгuсtions  сaгеfully  and  notiсе  who  is talking  and what  thе  topiс  is.
           .   Rеad thе  tеxt  oг notеs.  Undегline  any  kеy  words.  Тhеsе  aге usuaIly  vегbs  and  nouns.
           .   Тгytoguеsswhatpaгtofspеесhthеmissingwoгdsaге.Foгеxamplе,ifthеwoгdbеfoге

           .  thе  spaсе  is an  aгtiсlе  (e'g.o,on,the)  oгan  adjесtivе,thеn  the  missingwoгd  is likеlyto  bе  a
             noun.  Wгitе  n oi  noun  nеaг  thе  spaсе  to  hеIp you  rеmеmbег  this.
           .   Look  at  thе  woгds  bеfoге  and  aftег  еaсh  gap. Try to  guеss  what infoгmation  is missing.  ls it a

             datе,  timе  oг  a numbег?  ls it a plaсе?
           .   lf thе  missing  information  is thе  namе  of  somеthing,  сhесk  on the  usе  of  сapital  lеttегs.
             Rеmеmbeг  thеsе  aГе  oftеn  not usеd  with  wеbsitе  names.
           .   Look  at  othег  kеy  woгds  in the  sеntеnсе  and  tгy  to  undеrstand  thе whoIе  thing'  Can  you  guеss
             what  thе answег  might  be?
           .   Аs  you  Iistеn,  usе  thе  woгds  you'vе  undегlinеd  to  hеlp  you  сhесk  whiсh  quеstion  to  foсus
           '   on.  Тhis  will hеlp you not to gеt  lost and  miss  out  quеstions.
           .   Chесk  your  answеГs.  Aге  thеy  gгammatiсally  сoггесt?  ls thе  spеIling  сoггесt?
           .   Wгite  an  answег  in еvery  sPaсе,  еVеn  if you'rе  not  suге  if it  is thе  сoггесt  onе,

                                                                                        LlsTЕNlNG  sЕстIoN  з         l7
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