Page 15 - pte 2 2020
P. 15

Seсtion  l

          6   What  does  the  girl still  need  to  get  for  her  camping  trip?

              A !  something  to  eat-
              B !  something  to wear
              Q !   something  to sleep  in

          7   What  did  the  man think  about  the  film?

              я  !   тrre  end was  a surprise'
              в  !   тne  main aсtor  was excelIent.
              с !   тtrere  Was  some  great  musiо.

          I   What  is the  boy  doing?

              A [ ]  desсribing  the bike  ride he went for
              B  !   offering  to Iend  his  friend  a bike
              с  П  finding  out  what  size bike  his  friend  needs

          I   Why  did  the woman  choose  the  hotel?
              A!  thecost

              B!  thepool
              с !   tne  loсation

         10   What  is the  man  giving  information  about?
              AП  atouristtrip

              в  L ]  a train  station
              с  П   a loсalcinema

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